公告提醒:爱必信所有产品和服务仅用于科学研究,不用于临床应用及其他用途提供产品和服务(也不为任何个人提供产品和服务)! 试剂描述: 产品名称:Dimethylethylammoniumpropane sulfonate 产品别名:NDSB 195 CAS号:160255-06-1 英文别名:NDSB 195 分子量:195.28 分子式:C7H17NO3S 纯度:见爱必信官网 外观:Powder 保存方法:Store at room temperature 描述:Dimethylethylammoniumpropane sulfonate is a compound used for non-denaturing protein purification. It has been shown to increase the extraction yield of membrane, nuclear and cytoskeletal associated proteins. Zwitterionic over a wide pH range, easily removed by dialysis and no significant absorption in the near UV range. Specific applications include microsomal protein extraction, nuclear protein recovery, precipitation reduction in IEF, and membrane-bound protease purification. Dimethylethylammoniumpropane sulfonate has been used in a study to assess the functional properties of the separate subunits of the human DNA helicase II/Ku autoantigen. It has also been used in a study to investigate the swelling behaviors of copolymeric hydrogels in various saline solutions. 应用:A zwitterionic solubilizing agent with usefulness in protein crystallization 产品信息订购: 产品货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 | 价格 | 大包装及货期 | abs42148042 | Dimethylethylammoniumpropane sulfonate | 5g | 1365 | 立即咨询 | 产品更多信息请进入爱必信网站咨询 |