抗流行性出血热病毒抗体IgM (EHF) | Human anti-epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus IgM antibody,EHF IgM ELISA Kit |
抗狂犬病毒抗体(anti-RV) | Human anti-rabies virus antibody, anti-RV ELISA Kit |
抗副流感病毒IgM抗体(anti-PIV IgM) | Human anti-parainfluenza virus IgM antibody, anti-PIV IgM ELISA Kit |
抗风疹病毒IgG抗体(anti-RV IgG) | Human anti-rubella virus IgG antibody,anti-RV IgG ELISA Kit |
抗斑疹伤寒抗体(anti-typhus-Ab) | Human anti-typhus antibody ELISA Kit |
抗EB病毒抗体(EBV) | Human anti-Epstein-Barr virus antibody,EBV ELISA Kit |
肺炎支原体抗体(MP-Ab) | Human Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody,MP-Ab ELISA Kit |
肺炎衣原体抗体(Cpn-Ab) | Human Chlamydia pneumoniae antibody,Cpn-Ab ELISA Kit |
单核细胞增多性李斯特菌素(listeriolysin) | Human listeriolysin ELISA Kit |
单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型抗体(HSVⅡ-Ab) | Human Herpes simplexvirus Ⅱ antibody,HSVⅡ-Ab ELISA Kit |
腺相关病毒(AAV) | Human adeno-associated virus,AAV ELISA Kit |
皮肤反应因子/炎性因子(SRF/IF) | Human skin reactive factor/inflammatory factor,SRF/IF ELISA Kit |
细菌性阴道病(BV) | Human bacterial vaginosis,BV ELISA Kit |
伤寒抗原(St-Ag) | Human Salmonella typhi antigen,St-Ag ELISA Kit |
类嗜T淋巴细胞Ⅰ型病毒(HTLV-Ⅰ) | Human T-lymphotropicvirusⅠ,HTLV-ⅠELISA Kit |
麻疹病毒(MV) | Human morbillivirus,MV ELISA Kit |
流行性腮腺炎(EP) | Human epidemic parotitis,EP ELISA Kit |
抗流行性出血热病毒抗体IgG (EHF) | Human anti-epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus IgG antibody,EHF IgG ELISA Kit |
痢疾内阿米巴抗原 | Human Entamoeba histolytica Antigen ELISA Kit |
莱姆IgG(Lyme-IgG) | Human Lyme IgG ELISA Kit |
空肠弯曲菌黏附蛋白(PEB1) | Human Campylobacter Jejuni PEB1 ELISA Kit |
副肿瘤性天疱疮抗体(PNP) | Human Paraneoplastic pemphigus,PNP ELISA Kit |
衣原体蛋白酶样活性因子(CPAF) | Human chlamydial protease-like activity factor,CPAF ELISA Kit |
脊髓灰质炎病毒IgG(PV-IgG) | Human Poliomyelitis Virus,PV-IgG ELISA Kit |
刚地弓形虫(T.gondii) | Human Toxoplasma Gondii,T.gondii ELISA Kit |
抗副流感病毒IgG抗体(anti-PIV IgG ) | Human anti-parainfluenza virus IgG antibody,anti-PIV IgG ELISA Kit |
抗风疹病毒IgM抗体(anti-RV IgM) | Human anti-rubella virus IgM antibody,anti-RV IgM ELISA Kit |
大疱性类天疱疮抗体(BP) | Human Bullous Pemphigoid,BP ELISA Kit |
肠病毒(Enterovirus) | Human Enterovirus ELISA Kit |
包虫抗体IgG | Human echinococcus antibody IgG ELISA Kit |
百日咳毒素(PT) | Human Pertussiu Toxin,PT ELISA Kit |
白色念珠菌(C.albicans) | Human Candida Albicans,C.albicans ELISA Kit |
冠状病毒(Coronaviruses IgG) | Human Coronaviruses IgG ELISA kit |
不耐热肠毒素B亚单位(LTB) | Human heat-labile enterotoxin B subunit,LTB ELISA Kit |
血吸虫(schistosoma) | human schistosoma ELISA Kit |
轮状病毒抗原(RV Ag) | Human Rotavirus antigen,RV Ag ELISA Kit |
军团菌抗原(LP Ag) | Human Legionella pneumophila antigen,LP Ag ELISA Kit |
大肠菌素(colicin) | human colicin ELISA Kit |
腺病毒抗原(ADV-Ag) | Human Adenovirus Antigen,ADV-Ag ELISA Kit |
旋毛虫抗体(Trichinella Ab) | Human Trichinella antibody ELISA Kit |
破伤风抗体(Tetanus Ab) | Human Tetanus Antibody ELISA Kit |
钩端螺旋体IgM(Lebtospira) | Human Lebtospira IgM ELISA Kit |
钩端螺旋体IgG(Lebtospira) | Human Lebtospira IgG ELISA Kit |
阿米巴(Amebiasis) | Human Amebiasis ELISA Kit |
白喉抗体(Diphtheria Ab) | Human Diphtheria antibody ELISA Kit |
囊虫病抗体(CYT Ab) | Human Cysticercosis antybody,CYT Ab ELISA Kit |
布鲁氏菌抗体IgG(Brucella Ab IgG) | Human Brucella Antibody IgG,Brucella Ab IgG ELISA Kit |
水痘带状疱疹病毒IgM(VZV-IgM) | Human Varicella zoster virus IgM,VZV IgM ELISA Kit |
水痘带状疱疹病毒IgG(VZV-IgG) | Human Varicella zoster virus IgG,VZV-IgG ELISA Kit |
军团菌抗体IgA(LP Ab-IgA) | Human Legionella antibody IgA,LP Ab-IgA ELISA Kit |
军团菌抗体IgM(LP Ab-IgM ) | Human Legionella antibody IgM,LP Ab-IgM ELISA Kit |
军团菌抗体IgG(LP Ab-IgG) | Human Legionella antibody IgG,LP Ab-IgG ELISA Kit |
腮腺炎病毒IgM | Human paramyxovirus parotitis IgM ELISA Kit |
腮腺炎病毒IgG | Human paramyxovirus parotitis IgG ELISA Kit |
EB病毒IgM(EBv IgM) | Human epstein-barr virus IgM,EBv IgM ELISA Kit |
EB病毒IgA(EBv IgA) | Human epstein-barr virus IgA,EBv IgA ELISA Kit |
EB病毒IgG(EBv IgG) | Human epstein-barr virus IgG,EBv IgG ELISA Kit |
利什曼原虫抗体(Leishimaria Ab) | Human Leishimaria antibody ELISA Kit |
登革热抗体(DF-Ab) | Human dengue fever antibody,DF ELISA Kit |
流感病毒抗体IgG(FLU) | Human Influenza viruses IgG,FLU ELISA Kit |
腺病毒IgM(ADV-IgM) | Human Adenovirus IgM,ADV-IgM ELISA Kit |
腺病毒IgG(ADV-IgG) | Human Adenovirus IgG,ADV-IgG ELISA Kit |
轮状病毒(RV)IgM | Human Rotavirus,RV IgM ELISA Kit |
艾柯病毒IgM(ECHO IgM) | human EchoVirus IgM,ECHO IgM ELISA Kit |
抗呼吸道合胞病毒抗体(RSV) | Human anti-respiratory syncytial virus antibody,RSV ELISA Kit |
麻疹病毒IgM(MV IgM) | Human measlesvirus IgM,MV IgM ELISA kit |
麻疹病毒IgG(MV IgG) | Human measlesvirus IgG,MV IgG ELISA Kit |
柯萨奇病毒IgM(Cox V-IgM) | Human Coxsackie virus IgM,Cox V-IgM ELISA Kit |
柯萨奇病毒IgG(Cox V-IgG) | Human Coxsackie virus IgG,Cox V-IgG ELISA Kit |
结核菌杆抗体IgG(TB-Ab IgG) | Human tuberculosis antibody IgG,TB-Ab IgG ELISA Kit |
瘢痕性天疱疮抗体(CP) | Human cicatricial Pemphigoid,CP ELISA Kit |
胱天蛋白酶12(Casp-12) | Human Caspase 12,Casp-12 ELISA Kit |
胰岛细胞抗原2抗体/蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶抗体(IA-2A) | Human Islet Antigen-2 Antibody,IA-2A ELISA Kit |
粘蛋白/粘液素5B(MUC5B) | Human mucin-5 subtype B,MUC5B ELISA kit |
蛋白激酶A(PKA) | Human Protein kinase A,PKA ELISA Kit |
C4结合蛋白(C4BP) | Human C4 binding protein,C4BP ELISA Kit |
补体片段3c(C3c) | Human Complement fragment 3c,C3c ELISA Kit |
补体7(C7) | Human Complement 7,C7 ELISA Kit |
肺表面活性物质相关蛋白D(SP-D) | Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein D,SP-D ELISA Kit |
多聚ADP核糖聚合酶(PARP) | Human Poly ADP ribose polymerase,PARP ELISA Kit |
β淀粉样蛋白1-42(Aβ1-42) | Human amyloid beta peptide 1-42,Aβ1-42 ELISA Kit 96T |
chemerin | Human chemerin ELISA Kit |
二胺氧化酶(DAO) | Human diamine oxidase,DAO ELISA Kit |
肺表面活性物质相关蛋白C(SP-C) | Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein C,SP-C ELISA Kit |
肺表面活性物质相关蛋白B(SP-B) | Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein B,SP-B ELISA Kit |
卵清蛋白特异性IgG(OVA sIgG) | Human ovalbumin specific IgG,OVA sIgG ELISA Kit |
环加氧酶2(COX-2) | Human cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2 ELISA Kit |
甲状腺非肽激素抗体(THAA) | Human thyroid hormone autoantibodies,THAA ELISA Kit |
抗类固醇细胞抗体(SCA) | Human steroid cell autoantibody,SCA ELISA Kit |
粒细胞特异性抗核抗体(GS-ANA) | Human granulocyte specific antinuclear antibody,GS-ANA ELISA Kit |
抗信号识别颗粒抗体(SRP) | Human signal recognization particle antibody,SRP ELISA Kit |
激肽释放酶11(KLK 11) | Human Kallikrein 11,KLK 11 ELISA Kit |
激肽释放酶10(KLK 10) | Human Kallikrein 10,KLK 10 ELISA Kit |
YZ素(INH) | Human Inhibin,INH ELISA Kit |
胸腺肽α1(Thymosin α1) | Human Thymosin α1 ELISA Kit |
封闭抗体(BA) | Human Blocking antibody,BA ELISA Kit |
β干扰素(IFN-β/IFNB) | Human Interferon β,IFN-β/IFNB ELISA Kit |
Podocin | Human podocin ELISA Kit |
肾病蛋白(nephrin) | Human Nephrin ELISA Kit |
可溶性白细胞分化抗原38(sCD38) | Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 38,sCD38 ELISA Kit |
可溶性白细胞分化抗原21(CR2/sCD21) | Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 21,sCD21 ELISA Kit |
抗细胞膜DNA抗体(cmDNA) | Human anti-cell membrane DNA antibody,cmDNA ELISA Kit |
抗钙蛋白酶抑素抗体(ACAST-DⅣ) | Human autoantibodies against the C-terminal domain Ⅳ,ACAST-DⅣ ELISA Kit |
抗神经母细胞瘤抗体(NB-Ab) | Human anti-neuroblastoma-antibody,NB-Ab ELISA Kit |
α1微球蛋白(α1-MG) | Human α1-microglobulin,α1-MG ELISA Kit |
内脏脂肪特异性丝氨酸蛋白酶YZ剂(vaspin) | Human Visceral adipose-specific serine protease inhibitor,vaspin ELISA Kit |
过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体α(PPAR-α) | Human peroxisome proliferators activator receptors alpha,PPAR-α ELISA Kit |
系统性红斑狼疮(SLE) | Human systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE ELISA Kit |
抗神经节苷脂抗体(GM1) | Human anti-ganglioside antibody,GM1 ELISA Kit |
真胰岛素(TI) | Human true insulin,TI ELISA Kit |
抗中性粒细胞颗粒抗体(ANGA) | Human anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA ELISA Kit |
抗中性粒细胞抗体(ANA) | Human anti-neutrophil antibody,ANA ELISA Kit |
抗胃壁细胞抗体(AGPA/PCA) | Human anti-gastric parietal cell antibody,AGPA/PCA ELISA Kit |
抗肾上腺皮质抗体(AAA) | Human Anti-adrenocortical antibody,AAA ELISA Kit |
抗腮腺管抗体(anti-parotid duct Ab) | Human anti-parotid duct antibody ELISA Kit |
抗绒毛膜促性腺激素抗体(AhCGAb) | Human anti-chorionic gonadotropin-antibody,AhCGAb ELISA Kit |
抗染色体抗体(anti-chromosome Ab) | Human anti-chromosome antibody ELISA Kit |
抗脑组织抗体(ABAb) | Human anti-brain tissue antibody,ABAb ELISA Kit |
抗麦胶蛋白/麦醇溶蛋白抗体(AGA) | Human anti-gliadin antibody,AGA ELISA Kit |
抗磷脂酰丝氨酸抗体(APSA) | Human Anti-phosphatidyl serine antibody,APSA ELISA Kit |
抗磷壁酸抗体(TA) | Human anti-teichoic acid antibody,TA ELISA Kit |
抗淋巴细胞毒抗体(ALA/LCA) | Human anti-lymphocytotoxic antibody,ALA/LCA ELISA Kit |
抗类风湿关节炎核抗原抗体(RANA) | Human rheumatoid arthritis associated nuclear artigen,RANA ELISA Kit |
抗巨噬细胞抗体(anti-macrophage Ab) | Human anti-macrophage antibody ELISA Kit |
抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体(ATGA/TGAB) | Mouse anti-thyroid-globulin antibody,TGAB ELISA Kit |
抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPO-Ab) | Human anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody,TPO-Ab ELISA Kit |
抗红细胞抗体(RBC) | Human anti-red cell antibody ELISA Kit |
抗核因子抗体(ANF) | Human anti-nuclear factor Antibody,ANF ELISA Kit |
28S抗核糖体抗体(28S rRNP) | Human 28S ribosome RNP antibody,28S rRNP ELISA Kit |