产品简介:具有新世纪国际先进水平的新型内置滤膜在线采样器的微电脑激光粉尘仪, 在连续监测粉尘浓度的同时, 可收集到颗粒物,以便对其成份进行分析,并求出质量浓度转换系数K值。可直读粉尘质量浓度(mg/m3), 具有PM10、PM5、PM2.5及TSP切割器供选择. 仪器采用了QL抽气泵,使其更适合需配备较长采样管的ZY空调排气口PM10可吸入颗粒物浓度的检测。
仪器符合工业企业卫生标准(GBZ1-2002)、工作场所有害因素接触限值(GBZ2-2002)标准、卫生部WS/T206-2001《公共场所空气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)测定法-光散射法》标准、劳动部LD98-1996《空气中粉尘浓度的光散射式测定法》标准以及铁道部TB/T2323-92《铁路作业场所空气中粉尘测定相对质量浓度与质量浓度的转换方法》等行业标准以及卫生部卫法监发 [2003] 225号文件发布的《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范》。
BKYLD-5C-----an intelligent multifunctional portable microcomputer laser dustmate meets advanced need of international market in new century. With continuous monitoring of dust concentration, it can collect PM2.5, PM.5, PM10, or TSP various cutting-compatible. The instrument applies to public places PM10 concentrations of rapid determination, central air-conditioning exhaust PM10 concentration detection, mining scene about labor health dust concentration detection, respirable concentration monitor in environmental protection, and air purifier efficiency evaluation and so on.
1、 配置40mm滤膜在线采样器;
2、 具有可更换粒子切割器PM10、PM5、PM2.5及TSP供选择;
3、 直读粉尘质量浓度(mg/m3),1分钟出结果;
4、 大屏幕液晶显示器,汉字菜单提示;
5、 检测灵敏度:LD—5C(L) 0.01mg/m3; BKYLD-5C(H) 0.001mg/m3。
6、 重复性误差:±2%
7、 测量精度: ±10%
8、测量范围: LD—5C(L) 0.01~100 mg/m3; LD—5C(H) 0.001~10 mg/m3。
9、 测定时间:标准时间为1分钟,设有0.1分及手动档(可任意设定采样时间)。
10、 具有公共场所监测模式、大气环境监测模式以及劳动卫生模式。可计算出时间加权平均值(TWA)和短时间接触允许浓度(STEL) 等。
11、 存 贮:可循环存储99组数据。
12、定时采样:可设定测量时间(1~9999)秒,关机时间(0~9999)秒, 预热时间(0~10)秒及采样次数(1~9999)次。
13、 粉尘浓度超标报警阈值设定:浓度Z大阈值: 65mg/m3;测定时间:(1~9999)秒
(4) 数字量输出接口:电平信号。
15、 电源:Ni-MH充电电池组(1.2V x 4),可连续使用8小时;附220VAC/12VDC 电源适配器。
16、 重量:2.4kg。
Main Specifications
Measuring sensitivity: BKYLD-5C(L) 1 CPM = 0.01 mg/m3;
BKYLD-5C(H) 1 CPM = 0.001 mg/m3.
Measuring range: BKYLD-5C(L) 0.01 ~ 100 mg/m3;
BKYLD-5C(H) 0.001~10 mg/m3.
Measuring time interval: standard time 1 minute. 0.1 minute and manual timing also delivered. Manual timing can set sampling time from 1 to 9999.
Measuring accuracy: ±10%.
Display screen: character LCD
Continuous monitoring: setting measuring time (1 ~ 9999) seconds, waiting time (0 ~ 9999) seconds, sampling number(1 ~ 9999) times
Data Storage:
General measurement: cycle 99 data storage (each group including : quality concentration, measure date, time, recording sequence number)
Labor Hygiene: cycle 30 data storage (each group including : sampling date, starting time of sampling, using K value, measurement cycle, TWA value, STEL value, recording sequence numbers), and measurement data of dust concentrations every minute in "Labor hygiene" model (CPM), 1440 data stored (24 hours) -- read through PC.
Continuous monitoring: maximum storage 9999 data -- read through PC
Alarm mode: set threshold concentration, voice alarm exceeding it
Output interfaces:
Serial interface for PC communication: RS 232;
Power supply: Ni – MH rechargeable batteries group (1.2 V ′ 6), capacity for 8 hours, 220 V AC / 12 V DC adapter also provided.
Dimensions: 200×109×135mm
Weight: 2 kg .
(1)设计了可更换的粒子切割器,实现了PM10、PM5、 PM2. 5 、 TSP多种粒子分离切割器
(2)设计了在线滤膜采样器,实现了连续监测粉尘浓度与滤 膜采样兼容,可以分析所收集到颗
(6)设计了恒流控制器, 确保采样流量恒定,切割曲线的正确。
(10)仪器设计了定时采样机构,可根据设定时间定时采样,定时启动及关闭,所得数据可通过 微型打印机记录或导入PC机进行数据处理,而使仪器适合于大气环境可吸入颗粒物连续监测。
(11)仪器可设定粉尘浓度超标报警阈值,粉尘超标时自动声光报警,或将信号传输到控制ZX 进行监控。