pET-47b Search name
pET-47b,Plasmid pET-47b,pET-47b vector
pET-47b Information
Promoter: T7/lac promoter
Replicator: ColE1 ori, F1 ori
Terminator: T7 Terminator
Plasmid classification: Escherichia coli vector; PET series expression plasmid
Plasmid size: 5203bp
Plasmid label: N-6 x His, C-S, C-Thrombin
Prokaryotic resistance: kanamycin Kan
Cloned strain: Escherichia coli DH5 alpha
Culture conditions: 37 centigrade, aerobic, LB
Expression host: BL21 (DE3)
Culture conditions: 37 centigrade, aerobic, LB
Inducement: IPTG or lactose and its analogues
5'sequencing primers: T7:TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG
3'sequencing primers: T7-ter:TGCTAGTTATTGCTCAGCGG
pET-47b Description
pET47b vector carries a N terminal His purification tag followed by a HRV 3C protease cut site. This HRV 3C protease cleavage site can specifically cleave the "LEVLFQ GP" amino acid sequence with high specificity and enzyme activity at low temperature. The pET-50b (+) vector also contained a selectable C terminal Thrombin protease cut site and S tag sequence.
The single polyclonal site of pET-47b (+) vector is seen above the circular plasmid map. Note: the vector sequence is encoded by the encoding rules of the pBR322 plasmid, so the T7 protein expression area is reverse on the plasmid map. The cloning and expression regions initiated by T7 RNA polymerase were also labelled in plasmid profiles. The plasmid F1 replicator is directed, so under the action of T7 phage polymerase, the virus particles containing the protein coding sequence can be produced, and the protein expression is started, and the protein expression will be terminated by the T7 terminator sequence.

pET-47b Sequence
LOCUS Exported 5203 bp ds-DNA circular SYN 06-SEP-2016
DEFINITION synthetic circular DNA
SOURCE synthetic DNA construct
ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5203)
TITLE Direct Submission
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..5203
/organism="synthetic DNA construct"
/mol_type="other DNA"
terminator 26..73
/note="T7 terminator"
/note="transcription terminator for bacteriophage T7 RNA
CDS complement(168..212)
/product="affinity and epitope tag derived from pancreatic
ribonuclease A"
CDS complement(213..230)
/product="thrombin recognition and cleavage site"
/note="thrombin site"
CDS complement(309..332)
/product="recognition and cleavage site for human
rhinovirus 3C and PreScission proteases"
/note="HRV 3C site"
CDS complement(342..359)
/product="6xHis affinity tag"
protein_bind 410..434
/bound_moiety="lac repressor encoded by lacI"
/note="lac operator"
/note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be
relieved by adding lactose or
isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
promoter complement(435..453)
/note="T7 promoter"
/note="promoter for bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase"
promoter 766..843
/note="lacI promoter"
CDS 844..1926
/product="lac repressor"
/note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be
relieved by adding lactose or
isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
CDS 2498..2689
/product="Rop protein"
rep_origin complement(3119..3707)
/note="high-copy-number colE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of
CDS 3829..4644
/product="aminoglycoside phosphotransferase"
/note="confers resistance to kanamycin"
rep_origin complement(4737..5192)
/note="f1 ori"
/note="f1 bacteriophage origin of replication; arrow
indicates direction of (+) strand synthesis"
1 atccggatat agttcctcct ttcagcaaaa aacccctcaa gacccgttta gaggccccaa
61 ggggttatgc tagttattgc tcagcggtgg cagcagccaa ctcagcttcc tttcgggctt
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