pEF-GFP Search name
pEF-GFP,Plasmid pEF-GFP,pEF-GFP vector
pEF-GFP Information
Promoter: EF-1 alpha promoter
Replicator: ColE1 ori, SV40 ori
Terminator: SV40 poly (A) signal
Plasmid classification: lactation series plasmids; mammalian expression plasmids; pEF series plasmids
Plasmid size: 5051bp
Plasmid label: C-EGFP
Prokaryotic resistance: ampicillin Amp (100 u g/ml)
Cloned strains of Escherichia coli, DH5 A and other Escherichia coli
Culture conditions: 37 centigrade, aerobic, LB
Expression host: mammalian cells such as 293T
Culture conditions: 37 C, 5%CO2
Induction mode: no induction, instantaneous expression
5'sequencing primers: EF-1 alpha -F (GAATTACTTCCACGCCCCTG)
3'sequencing primers: beta -globin-R (ATGTCCTTCCGAGTGAGAGAC)
pEF-GFP Description
PEF-GFP is a high-level expression plasmid in mammalian cells. EF1 promoter promotes the fusion expression of target gene and green fluorescent protein EGFP. There are EcoRI, KpnI, XmaI and SmaI cleavage sites in MCS region, which can be easily cloned into target genes.
pEF-GFP Sequence
LOCUS Exported 5051 bp ds-DNA circular SYN 19-Sept-2016
DEFINITION synthetic circular DNA
KEYWORDS Untitled 2
SOURCE synthetic DNA construct
ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5051)
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Exported 2016-09-09
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..5051
/organism="synthetic DNA construct"
/mol_type="other DNA"
promoter 36..1217
/note="EF-1-alpha promoter"
/note="strong constitutive promoter for human elongation
factor EF-1-alpha"
intron 266..1208
/note="EF-1-alpha intron A"
/note="intron upstream of the start codon of human
CDS 1269..1988
/product="enhanced GFP"
/note="mammalian codon-optimized"
polyA_site 2140..2195
/note="beta-globin poly(A) signal"
/note="rabbit beta-globin polyadenylation signal"
primer_bind complement(2554..2570)
/note="M13 rev"
/note="common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar
protein_bind 2578..2594
/bound_moiety="lac repressor encoded by lacI"
/note="lac operator"
/note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be
relieved by adding lactose or
isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
promoter complement(2602..2632)
/note="lac promoter"
/note="promoter for the E. coli lac operon"
protein_bind 2647..2668
/bound_moiety="E. coli catabolite activator protein"
/note="CAP binding site"
/note="CAP binding activates transcription in the presence
of cAMP."
promoter 2727..2922
/note="SV40 promoter"
/note="SV40 early promoter"
rep_origin 2773..2908
/note="SV40 ori"
/note="SV40 origin of replication"
polyA_signal 2928..3062
/note="SV40 poly(A) signal"
/note="SV40 polyadenylation signal"
rep_origin complement(3301..3889)
/note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of
CDS complement(4060..4920)
/note="confers resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin, and
related antibiotics"
promoter complement(4921..5025)
/note="AmpR promoter"
1 gtcgacattg attattgact agatcatcgc gtgaggctcc ggtgcccgtc agtgggcaga
61 gcgcacatcg cccacagtcc ccgagaagtt ggggggaggg gtcggcaatt gaaccggtgc
121 ctagagaagg tggcgcgggg taaactggga aagtgatgtc gtgtactggc tccgcctttt
181 tcccgagggt gggggagaac cgtatataag tgcagtagtc gccgtgaacg ttctttttcg
241 caacgggttt gccgccagaa cacaggtaag tgccgtgtgt ggttcccgcg ggcctggcct
301 ctttacgggt tatggccctt gcgtgccttg aattacttcc acgcccctgg ctgcagtacg
361 tgattcttga tcccgagctt cgggttggaa gtgggtggga gagttcgagg ccttgcgctt
421 aaggagcccc ttcgcctcgt gcttgagttg aggcctggcc tgggcgctgg ggccgccgcg
481 tgcgaatctg gtggcacctt cgcgcctgtc tcgctgcttt cgataagtct ctagccattt
541 aaaatttttg atgacctgct gcgacgcttt ttttctggca agatagtctt gtaaatgcgg
601 gccaagatct gcacactggt atttcggttt ttggggccgc gggcggcgac ggggcccgtg
661 cgtcccagcg cacatgttcg gcgaggcggg gcctgcgagc gcggccaccg agaatcggac
721 gggggtagtc tcaagctggc cggcctgctc tggtgcctgg cctcgcgccg ccgtgtatcg
781 ccccgccctg ggcggcaagg ctggcccggt cggcaccagt tgcgtgagcg gaaagatggc
841 cgcttcccgg ccctgctgca gggagctcaa aatggaggac gcggcgctcg ggagagcggg
901 cgggtgagtc acccacacaa aggaaaaggg cctttccgtc ctcagccgtc gcttcatgtg
961 actccacgga gtaccgggcg ccgtccaggc acctcgatta gttctcgagc ttttggagta
1021 cgtcgtcttt aggttggggg gaggggtttt atgcgatgga gtttccccac actgagtggg
1081 tggagactga agttaggcca gcttggcact tgatgtaatt ctccttggaa tttgcccttt
1141 ttgagtttgg atcttggttc attctcaagc ctcagacagt ggttcaaagt ttttttcttc
1201 catttcaggt gtcgtgagga attctgcagt cgacggtacc gcgggcccgg gatccaccgg
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