染色示例Dual-emission ratiometric measurement of lysosomal pH using LysoSensor Yellow/Blue DND-160 (L7545). Madin-Darby canine kidney cells were exposed to pH-calibration buffers (pH 4.5, top panel; or pH 7.0, bottom panel) in the presence of nigericin (N1495) and monensin. These pseudocolored images were constructed from two emission images at 450 +/- 33 nm and 510 +/- 20 nm, both excited at 365 +/- 8 nm. (In these images, fluorescence near pH 4 has been pseudocolored blue and fluorescence near pH 7 pseudocolored yellow-green.) LysoSensor 是一家涉足于生命科学和生物技术领域研究的试剂、仪器和实验室消耗品与实验服务工作,主要从事细胞生物学、植物学、分子生物学、免疫学、生物化学、蛋白组学。生物制药与诊断试剂研发生产等领域。