Website:;Synonyms/Alias:;Sequence:;M.W/Mr.:;Molecular Formula:;Source:;Application:Immune monitoring, Humoral immune response, Seromarker discovery, Antibody epitope discovery, Binding experiments;Description:;Background:;Size1 peptide microarray (each peptide is deposited 3x per subarray, 4 subarrays per slide) + dummy slide and spacers (needed for incubation);Purity:Free of truncated sequences;Format:Peptides immobilized onto glass slide (3 x 1 inches; 75 by 25 mm);Number of peptides:660;Protein Name:Selected proteins;Activity:;Conjugate:;了解更多产品请留言,或 直接与孚博生物销售人员联系联系人: 邢先生 电话:13260236521 | 固话:010-56146401 | QQ:20493615 |