Website:;Description:Chromatographically purified heterodimer composed of 66kDa and 51kDa subunits. Supplied as a solution in 10mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.4, 1mM DTT and 20% glycerol. Primarily for AIDS research purposes; this enzyme has less fidelity than the AMV enzyme in other applications such as the preparation of cDNA from mRNA for cloning purposes.;Source:E. coli;Species:HIV;Form:A solution in 10mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.4, 1mM DTT and 20% glycerol.;Enzyme Commission Number:EC;Activity:> 5,000 units per mg protein;Unit Definition:One Unit incorporates 1 nmole of tritiated d-TMP into acid precipitable products using poly(A)/oligo(dT)12-18 as the template/primer in 20 minutes at 37°C, pH 8.3.;Synonyms:Reverse transcriptase; RT;Purity:Chromatographically purified;Inhibitors:;了解更多产品请留言,或 直接与孚博生物销售人员联系联系人: 邢先生 电话:13260236521 | 固话:010-56146401 | QQ:20493615 |