Website:;Description:From the soft coral coelenterate Renilla reniformis. The luciferin is bound to a luciferin-binding protein (BP-LH2). The bioluminescent reaction between the luciferin complex, luciferase and oxygen is triggered by calcium ions. In vivo, the excited state luciferin-luciferase complex undergoes the process of nonradiative energy transfer to an accessory protein, Renilla green fluorescent protein, which results in green bioluminescence. In vitro, Renilla luciferase emits blue light in the absence of any green fluorescent protein.;Source:;Species:;Form:Liquid or lyophilized powder;Enzyme Commission Number:;Activity:;Unit Definition:;Synonyms:Renilla-type luciferase; aequorin; luciferase (Renilla luciferin);Purity:;Inhibitors:;了解更多产品请留言,或 直接与孚博生物销售人员联系联系人: 邢先生 电话:13260236521 | 固话:010-56146401 | QQ:20493615 |