平均失效时间(天) 550 a
使用寿命(...月...天) 20 a
诊断范围 60 %
功能显示 LED yellow: lights up if receiver is l
it (light on), lights up if receiver
is not lit (dark on)
控制器 亮/暗通调节开关,灵敏度调节旋钮
Print mark color sensor, 11 mm detection range, RGB light, external Teach-In,
3 push-pull outputs, M12 plug,
Diffuse mode sensor for recording colored print marks on backgrounds with different colors,
Color detection by means of the active three-range method,
TEACH-IN procedure for automatic threshold value setting,
3 independent channels, 3 tolerance steps per channel,
Housing: frame: nickel plated, die cast zinc,
Laterals: glass-fiber reinforced plastic PC, Operating voltage: 10 ... 30 V DC
工作电压 10 ... 30 V DC
输出开关类型 亮/暗通可调
信号输出 推挽输出,短路保护,反极性保护
Simple, incremental sensitivity adjustment
Signal strength indicator
4-in-1 output
No mutual interference when mounting multiple units
Response time 1 ms
Glass fiber optic cable rated to 200 °C
Robust M18 cylindrical brass housing
Very bright and highly visible indicator LEDs
检测距离 300 mm
检测距离 3 ... 300 mm
光源类型 激光二极管
光源类型 调制红光
Laser nominal ratings
光等级 2
波长 650 nm
光斑表现形式 approx. 0.8 mm at a distance of 300 mm
指令符合 EMV 规范体系 2004/108/EG