pUAST consists of five tandemly arrayed optimized GAL4 binding sites followed by the hsp70 TATA box and transcriptional start , a polylinker containing unique restriction sites for EcoRI, BglII, NotI, Xho, KpnI and XbaI and the SV40 small T intron and polyadenylation site. These features are included in a P-element vector (pCaSpeR3)containing the P element ends (P3' and P5') and the white gene which acts as a marker for successful incorporation into the Drosophila genome. More information: Brand and Perimon (1993) Development 118 401-415 P element-based vector for Gal4-regulated expression of genes in Drosophila.
pUAST果蝇编辑质粒使用说明: 1、收到质粒干粉后请先5000rpm离心1min,再加入20μl无菌水溶解质粒,室温放置1min; 2、从-80℃冰箱中取出相应的感受态,置于冰盒上解冻,并做好标记; 3、取2μl质粒加至100μl感受态中,冰浴30min; 4、42℃热激90s,再冰浴2min; 5、加入900μl无抗的LB液体培养基,180rpm震荡培养45min; 6、6000rpm离心5min,仅留100ul上清混匀菌体沉淀; 7、混匀后的菌液加至对应抗性的LB平板上,倒入适量玻璃珠,涂匀液体; 8、将平板正向培养1h,再倒置培养12h~16h; 9、挑取单克隆菌落至对应抗性的LB液体培养基中,震荡培养12h~16h,根据实验需要提取质粒。 pUAST果蝇编辑质粒注意事项: 1、如果您收到的是甘油菌种,请先四区划线,挑取单克隆培养。 2、如果第二天转化平板长的过多,请将质粒按比例稀释后再转化。