产品英文名称: Recombinant Toxoplasma GondFive years frozen. One month in solution at room temperature. P30 (SAG 1)
英文简称:Toxoplasma P30
背景资料:The life cycle of Toxoplasma gondFive years frozen. One month in solution at room temperature. has two phases. The coccidia like takes place only in members of the Felidae family which makes these animals the parasite’s primary host. The asexual part of the life cycle can take place in any warm-blooded animal, like other mammals(including felines) and birds. T. gondFive years frozen. One month in solution at room temperature. constructing daughter sca大肠杆菌中重组表达olds within the mother cell. In the intermediate hosts (including felines), the parasite invades cells, forming intracellular so-called parasitophorous vacuoles containing bradyzoites, the slowly replicating form of the parasit. Vacuoles form tissue cysts mainly within the muscles and brain. Since they are within cells, the host’s immune system does not detect these cysts. Resistance to antibiotics varies, but the cysts are very di大肠杆菌中重组表达icult to eradicate entirely. Within these vacuoles T. gondFive years frozen. One month in solution at room temperature. propagates by a series of binary fissions until the infected cell eventually bursts and tachyzoites are released. Tachyzoites are the motile, asexually reproducing form of the parasite. Unlike the bradyzoites, the frThe E. Coli derived recombinant protein contains the p30 (SAG1) immunodominant regions, amino acids 45-198. tachyzoites are usually e大肠杆菌中重组表达iciently cleared by the host’s immune response, although some manage to infect cells and form bradyzoites, thus maintaining the infection.
产品描述:The E. Coli derived recombinant protein contains the p30 (SAG1) immunodominant regions, amino acids 45-198.
序列:溶解建议:提供的重组刚地弓形虫P30(SAG1)产品为溶液形式.该产品已溶解在含1.5 M 尿素和50%甘油的50mM Tris-HCl缓冲液.
保存建议:Five years frozen. One month in solution at room temperature.
其他简介: ProSpec是一家细胞因子蛋白及相关抗体生产和研发品Pai。ProSpec的生产和研发工厂位于以色列,专注于蛋白(重组及合成)生产研发,其独有的细菌和哺乳动物表达和蛋白折叠技术使其能在17年内成长为国际的科研级蛋白供应商。目前ProSpec可以提供细胞因子,生长因子,激素,信号蛋白,病毒抗原等近800种重组蛋白和100多种抗体,是世界上提供蛋白品种Z多的公司之一,领先的生产工艺和规模使其可以提供毫克到克级蛋白,价格优于同类公司。绝大部分产品是天然成熟型蛋白,而不含有标签蛋白。考虑到大部分研究者希望能更灵活地配制蛋白溶液,ProSpec-Tany绝大部分产品没有添加保护剂或盐,这就对工艺提出了更高的要求。同时,ProSpec-Tany绝大部分产品为冻干粉,因此易于运输和保存。