产品英文名称: Influenza A Virus H1N1 Solomon Island 03/06
英文简称:Solomon Island 03/06
背景资料:H1N1 is a subtype specie of Influenza A virus. H1N1 Influenza Virus has mutated into various strains such as the Spanish Flu strain, mild human flu strains, endemic pig strains, and various strains found in birds.The Influenza A Virus is a globular particle about 100nm in diameter, sheathed in a lipid bilayer derived from the plasma membrane of its host. Studded in the lipid bilayer are two integral membrane proteins some 500 molecules of hemalutinin ("H") and some 100 molecules of neuraminidase ("N"). Within the lipid bilayer are 3000 molecules of matrix protein and 8 pieces of RNA. Each of the 8 RNA molecules is associated with many copies of a nucleoprotein, several molecules of the thrRecombinant Full-Length H1N1 A/Solomon Islands/03/2006 is glycosylated with N-linked sugars, produced using baculovirus vectors in insect cells. subunits of its RNA polymerase some "non-structural" protein molecules of uncertain function.
产品描述:Recombinant Full-Length H1N1 A/Solomon Islands/03/2006 is glycosylated with N-linked sugars, produced using baculovirus vectors in insect cells.
序列:溶解建议:提供的甲型流感(H1N1)病毒所罗门群岛03/06产品为无菌的无色透明溶液形式.该产品已溶解在含150mM NaCl和0.005% Tween-20的10mM 磷酸钠缓冲液(pH 7.1).
保存建议:H1N1 A/Solomon Islands/03/2006 Recombinant should be stored at 4?C.
其他简介: ProSpec是一家细胞因子蛋白及相关抗体生产和研发品Pai。ProSpec的生产和研发工厂位于以色列,专注于蛋白(重组及合成)生产研发,其独有的细菌和哺乳动物表达和蛋白折叠技术使其能在17年内成长为国际的科研级蛋白供应商。目前ProSpec可以提供细胞因子,生长因子,激素,信号蛋白,病毒抗原等近800种重组蛋白和100多种抗体,是世界上提供蛋白品种Z多的公司之一,领先的生产工艺和规模使其可以提供毫克到克级蛋白,价格优于同类公司。绝大部分产品是天然成熟型蛋白,而不含有标签蛋白。考虑到大部分研究者希望能更灵活地配制蛋白溶液,ProSpec-Tany绝大部分产品没有添加保护剂或盐,这就对工艺提出了更高的要求。同时,ProSpec-Tany绝大部分产品为冻干粉,因此易于运输和保存。