品Pai:miltenyi,产品名称:PepTivator EBV EBNA-1, human, 6 nmol
PepTivator EBV EBNA-1, human - Miltenyi Biotec
The PepTivator® EBV EBNA-1 is a peptide pool that consists mainly of 15-mer peptides with 11 amino acids overlap, covering the complete sequence of the Epstein-Barr virus EBNA-1 protein (UniProt ID: P03211).
PepTivator peptide pools have been developed for the efficient in vitro stimulation of antigen–specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, as peptides of 15-aa length with 11 aa overlap represent an optimized solution for stimulating both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in various applications.1
Quantitative, phenotypical, or functional analysis of EBV EBNA-1–specific T cell immunity can provide important information on the natural course of immune responses in healthy or immunocompromised individuals.
PepTivator EBV EBNA-1-HT is a peptide pool lyophilized in the wells of a 96-well plate, allowing stimulation and analysis of cells directly on the plate.
The convenient 96-well format, composed of 12 individually removable strips of 8 wells each allows for easy and flexible experimental set-up, different antigens can be combined by assembling different strips. A control can also be added easily by using strips from the Control plate (12x8).