品Pai:CST,产品名称:DRAQ7™ #7406
Product name:DRAQ7™ #7406
Applications:F ,
Background: DRAQ7™ is a far-red fluorescent DNA dye that only stains the nuclei in dead and permeabilized cells. It can be used in combination with GFP, FITC, and PE labels.
Flow Cytometry: Prepare cells for DRAQ7™ staining by resuspending cells in PBS at a concentration of no more than 5 x 105 cells/ml. For each 0.5 ml of cell suspension, dilute DRAQ7™ 1:100 by adding 5 μl to suspended cells, achieving a final concetration of 3 μM. Gently mix and incubate for 10 minutes on ice. Cells should be analyzed directly in the presence of DRAQ7™.
DRAQ7™ is provided as a 0.3 mM stock.
Store at 4°C, protected from light. Do not freeze.