NIBSC 英国 09/140 Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference Panel)
09/140 Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference
Panel) 株 NIBSC
09/146 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v (NYMC-X179A) (Egg derived) 株 NIBSC
09/148 Influenza anti A/New York/107/2003 (H7) HA serum (Sheep SH504 and SH505) 株 NIBSC
09/154 Clostridium Sordellii anti-serum (1st International standard) 株 NIBSC
09/162 Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (1st
International Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/170 Anti-Meningococcal factor H binding protein variant 1 (JAR4) monoclonal antibody 株
09/172 Blood coagulation Factors II, VII, IX, X Plasma (4th International Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/174 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/09 (H1N1)v (NYMCX-179A) (Cell Derived) 株 NIBSC
09/182 VWF Factor Concentrate (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/184 Influenza Antigen A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) NIBRG-14 株 NIBSC
09/186 Anti-Chagas Disease (TcII) Ig in Human Plasma 株 NIBSC
09/188 Anti-Chagas Disease (TcI) Ig in Human Plasma 株 NIBSC
09/196 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1v) (NIBRG-121xp) (Egg Derived) 株
09/222 Human reference Serum for Antibodies specific for Haemophilus Influenzae b
Polysaccharide 株 NIBSC
09/234 Transforming Growth Factor-BETA 3 (Human, rDNA derived TGF-? 3) 株 NIBSC
09/236 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-153 株 NIBSC
09/260 Epstein-Barr Virus (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/264 Fibrinogen Plasma (D)(3rd International Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/266 Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, GDNF 株 NIBSC
09/268 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-121xp 株 NIBSC
09/272 Placental Growth Factor 株 NIBSC
09/274 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-185 株 NIBSC
09/276 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Brisbane/59/2007 株 NIBSC
NIBSC 英国 09/140 Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference Panel)
09/280 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-64 株 NIBSC
09/284 Anti-Human Neutrophil Antibody 1a WHO Reference Reagent 株 NIBSC
09/304 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-155 株 NIBSC
09/306 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-147 株 NIBSC
09/308 Influenza serology antigen reagent for haemagglutination inhibition assay Pandemic H1N1
2009 (X179A) 株 NIBSC
09/310 Influenza Antigen A/Wisconsin/15/09 (H3N2) (NYMCX-183) 株 NIBSC
09/316 Influenza Anti B Neuraminidase Serum (B/Florida/4/2006) 株 NIBSC
09/318 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-35 株 NIBSC
09/B558-03 QCRHIV1RTDQC1-Anti-HIV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 for Rapid Test Devices 株
09/B562-04 QCRHIV1QC3- Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample3 株 NIBSC
09/B564-05 QCRHBsGQC1-HBsAg Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
09/B566-05 QCRHBsGQC2-HBsAg Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC
09/B571-05 QCRHIV1QC2- Anti-HIV 1: Quality Control Serum: Sample 2 株 NIBSC
09/B572-13 QCRHAVIgMQC2 IgM Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC
09/B577-03 QCRRUBQC1-Anti-Rubella Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
09/B584-06 QCRTHAVQC1-Total Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
09/B585-10 QCRSYPHQC1-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC
09/B587-06 QCRHBsQC1- Anti HBs Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC
09/B588-02 QCRTOXOQC1-Anti-Toxoplasma Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC
10/106 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008 Reassortant (NYMC BX-35) 株 NIBSC
10/120 Influenza Antiserum A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)(IVR-148) HA (sheep 516 and 517) 株
10/128 Diphtheria Polyclonal Antibody 株 NIBSC
10/130 Diphtheria Monoclonal Antibody 株 NIBSC
10/136-001 HLA-DRB1 Genotyping Reference Panel 株 NIBSC
10/140 Anti-HPV 18 Serum 株 NIBSC
10/142 Negative control for Luminex based anti-HLA serology 株 NIBSC
10/150-004 Anti Hepatitis C Virus 株 NIBSC
10/152 HIV-1 RNA (3rd International standard) 株 NIBSC
10/154-002 Anti-HCV (1 in 8 dilution) 株 NIBSC
10/188 Factor VIII Concentrate (13th British Standard). 株 NIBSC
10/202 Influenza antibody (Human) to A/California/7/2009 'like' (H1N1v) virus 株 NIBSC
10/214 Influenza Anti A/Hong Kong 1073/99 (N2)NA Serum (Sheep SH395 SH396) 株 NIBSC
10/216 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-74 株 NIBSC
10/218 Influenza Anti A/California/7/2009 (N1) NA Serum (Sheep SH 521) 株 NIBSC
10/226 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-158 株 NIBSC
10/232 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC1(AR1R1) 株 NIBSC
10/234 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC12 (ODpsi) 株 NIBSC
10/236 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC4(OR1R2) 株 NIBSC
10/238 Genomic DNA for blood group genotyping RBC5(Brr) 株 NIBSC
10/258 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009-like(NIB-74) 株 NIBSC
10/262 Diphtheria Antitoxin Human IgG 株 NIBSC
10/264 Hepatitis B Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (3rd WHO International
Standard) 株 NIBSC
10/272 BCG Substrain Moreau 株 NIBSC
10/276 Influenza virus infectious BX-31 株 NIBSC
10/276 Influenza virus infectious BX-31 株 NIBSC
10/280 Anti-HLA Control 株 NIBSC
10/286 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Leutinizing Hormone human, urinary for bioassay 株 NIBSC
10/B590-04 QCRSYPHQC2-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: sample2 株 NIBSC
10/B592-04 QCRTHBcQC1-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC
10/B594-02 QCRHCVQC1-Anti-HCV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
10/B596-04 QCRHSV1QC1-Anti-HSV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
10/B599-03 QCRCMVQC1- Anti CMV: Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC
09/100 Influenza anti A/mallard/England/727/2006 (N3) NA serum (NIBRG-107) (Sheep SH503)
09/110 Parvovirus B19 DNA Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology(NAT) based assays Genotype
Panel(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/112 Negative Control for use in flow cytometry cross matching (FCXM) and anti-HLA
serology 株 NIBSC
09/130 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-122 株 NIBSC
09/132-002 Human Coronavirus 229E Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株
09/136 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA Derived)(2nd International
Standard) 株 NIBSC
09/138 Genetic Reference Panel, for the quantitation of BCR-ABL translocation by RQ-PCR (1st