NIBSC 英国 08/B538-07 QCRHIV1QC1-Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC l
08/B538-07 QCRHIV1QC1-Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
08/B539-12 QCRNEGQC1-Negative Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
08/B554-09 QCRHBeQC1-Anti-HBe Quality Control Serum: sample1 株 NIBSC
07/202 Recombinant soluble transferrin receptor (rsTfR)(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株
07/214 Positive Control for use in flow cytometry cross matching (FCXM) and anti-HLA
serology 株 NIBSC
07/216 Diphtheria Toxoid (Adsorbed) (4th International Standard) 株 NIBSC
07/222 RhD/SRY Plasma DNA sensitivity standard 株 NIBSC
07/226 Influenza Virus Infectious A/New Caledonia/20/99 株 NIBSC
07/228 Blood Coagulation Factor VIIa, Concentrate, Human, 2nd International Standard” 株
07/246 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-147 株 NIBSC
07/252 Influenza Virus infectious NIBRG-14 株 NIBSC
07/268 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/3/2007 株 NIBSC
07/270 BCG Vaccine of Danish 1331 sub-strain (1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC
07/272 BCG Vaccine of Tokyo 172 sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC
07/274 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 株 NIBSC
07/278 Influenza anti A/mallard/Netherlands/12/2000 (H7) HA serum (NIBRG-60) (sheep SH474
07/286-009 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Monitor Sample 株 NIBSC
07/288-008 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen 0.2IU/ml 株 NIBSC
07/290 Influenza Antigen A/Anhui/1/05 (H5N1) IBCDC-RG-6 株 NIBSC
07/294-003 Norovirus GII for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
07/296-003 Influenza Virus (A/Christchurch/1/2003, H1N1) for Nucleic Acid Amplification
Techniques 株 NIBSC
07/298-003 Influenza Virus (A/Wyoming/3/2003, H3N2) for Nucleic Acid Amplification
Techniques 株 NIBSC
07/300-004 Influenza Virus (B/Jiangsu/10/2003) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株
07/304 Anti-D for assuring operator and test performance 株 NIBSC
NIBSC 英国 08/B538-07 QCRHIV1QC1-Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC l
07/308 Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG Negative Control 株 NIBSC
07/310 Anti-A and anti-B in IVIG: Limit reference preparation 株 NIBSC
07/316 Blood Coagulation Factor VIII and Von Willebrand Factor in Plasma (6th I.S.) 株 NIBSC
07/318 Meningococcal Group C Polysaccharide 株 NIBSC
07/326 Blood Coagulation Factors II, IX,and X Concentrate, 6th British Working Standard. 株
07/328 Unfractionated Heparin (6th I.S.) 株 NIBSC
07/336 Influenza Antigen A/mallard/Netherlands/12/00 (H7N3) NIBRG-60 株 NIBSC
NIBSC 英国 08/B538-07 QCRHIV1QC1-Anti-HIV1:Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC l
07/338 Influenza anti A/Anhui/1/05 (H5) HA serum (IBCDC-RG6) (Sheep SH477) 株 NIBSC
07/348 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-171B 株 NIBSC
07/350 Blood Coagulation Factor VIII Concentrate (8th I.S.) 株 NIBSC
07/354 Influenza Virus infectious A/Uruguay/716/2007 株 NIBSC
07/358 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-50 株 NIBSC
07/362 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-149 株 NIBSC
07/364 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, (5th International Standard) 株 NIBSC
07/B498-12 QCRHBclgMQC1-IgM Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample1 株 NIBSC
07/B512-09 QCRTHBcQC2-Total Anti-HBc Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC
08/100 Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/59/2007 (IVR-148) (H1N1) 株 NIBSC
08/108 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-91 株 NIBSC
08/110 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-88 株 NIBSC
08/114-004 Human Adenovirus serotype 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/118-003 NIBSC Parainfluenza Virus serotype 3 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/120-003 Human Respiratory syncytial virus A2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株
08/126 Influenza anti A/turkey/Turkey/1/05(N1) NA Serum (NIBRG-74) (Sheep SH485) 株
08/138 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Florida/4/2006 株 NIBSC
08/140 Influenza Antigen B/Florida/4/2006 株 NIBSC
08/142 Influenza anti A/Anhui/1/05 (H5) HA serum (IBCDC-RG6) (sheep SH477) 株 NIBSC
08/148 Positive control for Luminex based anti-HLA Class II serology 株 NIBSC
08/150 HIV-2 RNA(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/154 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-12 株 NIBSC
08/156 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-23 30060 VE3 株 NIBSC
08/158 Fragile X Syndrome gDNA Genetic Reference Panel 株 NIBSC
08/160 Haemophilia A, Intron-22 inversion, gDNA, Genetic Reference Panel 株 NIBSC
08/174-003 Human Coxsackie B4 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/176-002 Parainfluenza Virus serotype 1 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/178-002 Parainfluenza Virus serotype 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/180-002 Parainfluenza virus serotype 4 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/184 Influenza Antigen B/Malaysia/2506/2004 株 NIBSC
08/202 Influenza anti A/chick/Hong Kong/G9/1997/(H9) HA serum (NIBRG-94)(H9N1) 株 NIBSC
08/204 Thyroid Stimulating Antibody (2nd I.S.) 株 NIBSC
08/208 Influenza Antigen Hong Kong/1073/99 (H9N2) 株 NIBSC
08/210 Influenza anti A/Cambodia/R0405050/2007 (H5) HA serum (NIBRG-86) 株 NIBSC
08/214 Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C polysaccharide (1st International Standard) 株
08/216 Influenza Antigen A/Cambodia/R0405050/2007 (H5N1) NIBRG-88 株 NIBSC
08/224-003 Human Herpes Simplex virus type 1 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株
08/226-003 Human Herpes Simplex virus type 2 for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株
08/228 Influenza Antigen A/chick/Hong Kong/G9/1997 (H9N2) NIBRG-91 株 NIBSC
08/230 Streptodornase (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/246 Influenza anti A/Brisbane/10/2007- like HA serum 株 NIBSC
08/256 C1- Inhibitor, Concentrate (1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/258 Antithrombin, Plasma (3rd International Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/262 C1 Inhibitor (Plasma)(1st International Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/266 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. (2nd International Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/268 Influenza Antigen A/mallard/England/727/2006 (H2N3) NIBRG-107 株 NIBSC
08/270 Anti-A and Anti-B in IVIG: Positive and Negative control panel. (2 ampoules of 07/306
and 2 ampoules of 07/308) 株 NIBSC
08/278 Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/10/2007-like (Prepared from A/Uruguay/716/2007 (NYMC X-
175C)) 株 NIBSC
08/280 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/33/2008 株 NIBSC
08/282 Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, human, recombinant, for bioassay (2nd International
Standard) 株 NIBSC
08/300 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-148 株 NIBSC
08/304 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-175C 株 NIBSC
08/310-003 Varicella Zoster Virus (Type B) Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification
Testing (NAT) 株 NIBSC
08/314-004 Human Cytomegalovirus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/316-003 Epstein-Barr Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 株 NIBSC
08/318-003 Human Norovirus GI Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC
08/320-002 Human Metapneumovirus Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株
08/322-002 Human Parechovirus Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株 NIBSC
08/324-003 Rhinovirus Genogroup A Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 株
08/352 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008-like 株 NIBSC
08/356 Influenza anti A/Japan/305/57 (H2) HA serum (A/Singapore/1/57-Like) (Sheep SH398)
08/358 HIV-1RNA Genotype Panel 株 NIBSC
08/362 Influenza Antigen A/New York/107/2003 (H7N2) NIBRG-109 株 NIBSC
08/B531-10 QCRVZVQC1-Anti VZV:Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 株 NIBSC
08/B534-05 QCRHIV2QC3- Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample 3 株 NIBSC
08/B536-14 QCRHIV1P24QC2-HIV1 p24 Antigen: Quality Control Serum: Sample2 株 NIBSC