»The cup body is connected with a locking mechanism to reduce the risk
»The base has an additional air outlet and has the same flow characteristics as the main outlet. Cup plastic cover, bayonet structure
filtered airIf lubricated air i
V = 氟橡胶杆端密封件W =
3 = 24 V DC (1.3 W) spunto (0.25 W mantenimento)
Altre tensioni disponibili su richiesta
s used, it is recommended
to use ISOVG 32 oil. Once
端盖和活塞,轧辊 AISI 303 不锈钢活塞杆
020 = 20 mm - 025 = 25 mm -
032 = 32 mm - 040 = 40 mm
050 = 50 mm - 063 = 63 mm
080 = 80 mm - 100 = 100 mm
applied the lubrication should
never be interrupted.M = 杆端外螺纹
无磁传气缸,Z高工作温度 140°C)
B = connessione in linea con protezione e led
R = 防旋转(带法兰、双作用)
Oil mist filtration accuracy 99.80% 97%
Particle Filtration Accuracy 99.99999% 99.999%
Media compressed air
Need to set the pre-filter at its front (specific specifications please see
See the comprehensive parameter table) and recommended every 12 months or
8000 working hours to replace the filter, which can get the flow characteristics.
The front and rear sides of the module base are provided with additional air outlets with the same flow characteristics as the side main outlet.
(G1 / 8 - G1 / 4 - G3 / 8) or push - in connector (Ø6 - 8 - 10)
High performance, high precision filter
»The air quality at the outlet side can reach grade 1.8.1 or 2.8.2 (ISO 8573-1: 2000)
»The filter status can be observed by means of an indicator
»Semi-automatic drainage and drainage drainage optional
»Available in G1 / 8 interface External drain type