在 Abberior 团队, 咨询许多超分辨与共聚焦用户后, 发现, 多数人都提出机个问题 :
问题一 : 购买使用共聚焦Z主要的目的是想取得更高解析的成像质量, 那既然取得购置经费, 为何不一次购置超分辨 STED 系统 ?
问题二 : 既然要取得更高质量与更高解析的成像, 为何不一次就取得优于 30 nm 的超分辨成像 (pulsed 775 STED).
问题三 : 市场上, 可以同时拥有低价与高性能的超分辨系统 ?

纯光学解析 - 直接探索Z细微的结构
- Abberior 的Pulsed STED超分辨纳米成像技术已蔚成荧光成像的主流 ! 也是取代传统共聚焦成像的先进影像技术.
- Abberior STEDYCON是高速一次共聚焦超分辨率成像, 是WY从追求 STED 超分辨光学解析优于 30 nm 出发, 专门为入门用户准备的脉冲式超分辨系统.
- 从任何厂Pai的荧光显微镜, 直接升级的超分辨成像系统.
- STEDYCON 是基于共聚焦扫描成像, 直接直视的纯光学解析(直接证据), 无须长时间的大量图像函数计算 !
- STEDYCON 完全采用脉冲式的设计, 包括共聚焦激发激光, STED 压制激光, APD 单分子技术侦测器. 提供双色超分辨达 (2D STED) 30 nm.
- STEDYCON共聚焦扫描仪 (QUAD confocal scanner) 是专利设计, 可以创造出的超分辨应用聚焦光斑, 是独一 ! 侦测针孔口径可调, 标准配置提供双信道 STED 超分辨, 四通道的共聚焦多色荧光成像.

新一代的 STEDYCON, 配置了可调共聚焦侦测针孔 (Pinhole), 同时, 导入的 DynamicPLUS – APD.
- 可侦测四信道荧光讯号,
- 可让用户侦测到质量的共聚影像,
- 可以侦测极弱的荧光讯号,
- 可以借助 DynamicPLUS 技术, 取得的侦测动态范围, 落实在Z干净的背景下, 取得的荧光讯号, 让共聚焦成像质量锐利, 对比鲜明, 又可避免荧光漂白, 避免样本伤害.
Superior sensitivity and full dynamic range within the same image
Our new DynamicPLUS feature offers unrivaled performance with both STED and classical confocal applications. With DynamicPLUS, you can be sure to capture everything from the faintest details to the brightest spots.
The underlying avalanche photo detectors (APDs) have a superior quantum efficiency, up to a factor of two above even hybrid detectors. This means that even when signal-levels are low, our APDs still collect plenty of photons for a meaningful image. Typical applications are super-resolution STED imaging and experiments with low labeling densities designed to stay close to physiological conditions.
At the same time, the dead-time compensation of DynamicPLUS allows crisp images of high-signal samples, such as bright confocal images. Of course, raw data for quantitative analysis and deconvolution is always available.

The immunostaining was performed on brain paraffin sections (7µm) for a mouse model of Huntington's disease. Both images show the nucleolus - the sub-nuclear compartment where ribosomal RNA synthesis takes place - labeled for a nucleolar marker protein by Abberior STAR RED secondary antibody (magenta), and nuclear inclusions of the mutant Huntingtin protein (cyan) by Abberior STAR 580. These inclusions are visible also outside the nucleus. Shown is raw data. Images were acquired using a STEDYCON attached to an Olympus BX53.

- Excitation laser lines: 405 nm (UV, cw, optional), 488 nm, 561nm, 640nm (all pulsed)
- STED laser: 775nm (pulsed)
- 2D STED resolution: <40nm, typically 30nm (depending on dyes and objectives used)
- Easy-STED geometry: all laser lines aligned by design; maintenance free optical beam path
- 3 confocal imaging channels
- Detection: APD1: 650-700 nm; APD2: 575-625 nm; APD3: 505-545 nm; time-gated detection (for confocal and STED)
- Upgradability to FLIM: get full FLIM functionality in all imaging channels through full compatibility with FLIM hardware from B+H or Picoquant
- QUAD beam scanner: 90µm x 80µm (with a 100x objective); 512x512 pixel up to 1.1 frames/s; line frequency up to 800Hz
- Pinhole: motorized pinhole with 12 different pinhole sizes
- Software: browser-based control software operational on any modern PC, Mac or tablet: line interleaved STED and confocal imaging in three imaging channels; options to define z-stacks, acquisition queues and time series, auto-save function
- Dimensions: STED-camera head: 11cm x 20cm x 20cm; controller: 22cm x 55cm x 60cm; total weight head plus controller unit < 40kg
- STEDYCON is tested with virtually all microscope stands and objectives from all major vendors; contact us for details
- Optionally: Optical table or antivibrational table, z-focusing piezo-drive, microscope stand and objective validated for STEDYCON
The STEDYCON has been tested with the following configurations:
- Zeiss Axio Imager Z2 (Upright) with objective 100x NA=1.46
- Zeiss Axio Observer (Inverted) with objective 100x NA=1.46
- Nikon NiE (Upright) with objective 100x NA=1.45 Lambda Series
- Nikon TiE (Inverted) with objective 100x NA=1.45 Lambda Series
- Olympus BX53 (Upright) with objective 100x NA=1.4
- Olympus IX83 (Inverted) with objective 100x NA=1.4
- Leica DMI6000 (Inverted) with objective 100x NA=1.4
- Leica DM2500 (Upright) with objective 100x NA=1.4

光学显微镜技术已全面迈入新一代的超分辨率纳米显微技术. 既然传统的共聚焦显微镜已无法提供足够的光学解析, 为何还要花费大笔经费在功能单一的共聚焦显微镜 ?
如果你的经费许可, 如果你有机会购置仪器, 你应该可以思考做一转换, 规划购置与同时拥有共聚焦扫描超高分辨率显微镜. 那是正确的方向 !
Abberior STEDYCON pulsed STED (共聚焦扫描超分辨率影像系统) 取代单纯的共聚焦显微镜 !让你同时拥有 ....【Superresolution】 + 【Confocal】 + 【Microscope】

- APD ( DynamicPLUS ) : QE 荧光感测量子效益高达近 70%, 相较于 HyD 仅 45%, GaAsP 仅 40%, 一般 PMT 仅 20%.
- APD 在近红光区, 有的感测响应, 此是其他传感器无法达到的.
- APD 是单分子荧光感测, 可做时序调控, Z适合做低弱荧光及快速反应的荧光感测.
- APD 的感测, 成像背景Z干净, 几乎无任何噪声.
- STEDYCON 标准系统搭载四组共聚焦激光, 405 nm (UV, cw, optional), 488 nm, 561nm, 640nm (all pulsed), 及 STED 压制激光STED laser: 775nm (pulsed). 同时配置 2 组 APD 及侦测滤镜. 可以同时做 Confocal 及 STED 的时序控制 (gating).
- 双色 STED 成像, 4 色共聚焦成像.

为何Z适合核心平台使用 ?
- 因为 STEDYCON 使用极为简易, 使用者仅需Z少的训练, 10 分钟之内, 任何人都可上手使用.
- 因为软件已规划基本接口, 供大众使用, 不致影响核心设定.
- 因为 STEDYCON 光路极为稳定, 不会受环境温度所影响.
- 研究单位的核心仪器平台, 建构 STEDYCON 作为荧光成像的基础设备, 已是趋势.

Abberior 公司是WY具有超分辨技术, 仪器, 染剂, 研发团队, 科研团队.
STAR 系列染剂针对 STED 技术量身打造,高荧光强度十分适合共轭焦影像应用 ,其高度光稳定性,在经过STED Depletion laser 作用后,仍然保持高强度表现, 也避免荧光的快速漂白, 避免样本光毒害, 更让 STED 影像质量超越其他染剂。多种波长搭配,结合 Multicolor STED , 多色 super-resolution 无需费心选择配对。