This microprocessor-based ramping control provides four-file/24-step program capability or easy-to-use non-ramping set-point operation. Ramping operations include four files with six steps each. Programming options include ramp-rate or time-based profiles, guaranteed soak deviation, program looping, and program status selection after power outage. Files may be linked to create a single, 24-step program. Also allows automatic setting of control parameters with little user input. RampTrol automatically sets the PID parameters (proportional band, reset/integral, and rate/derivative) through a “learning” sequence in the auto-tuning mode. The primary analog input is a thermocouple. The back panel features a nine-pin serial port for communication with a PC. A secondary output is available for cooling, along with a 4-20ma retransmit output for temperature recording and an RTD input. Information is stored in non-volatile memory.
Control Mode: Single output. Optional retransmit of set point or process variable. Four-file/24-step ramping or non-ramping, set-point control. Ramp-rate or time-based programming. Selectable control status following power loss.Operator Interface: Dual, four-digit LED displays: upper, 0.4 inch (10 mm) for process (red); lower, 0.3 inch (8 mm) for set point (green). Mode, Hold/Run,Display, Up, and Down keys.
Accuracy: 0.1% of span, temperature stability +/-0.2%°F/°F change in ambient.
Input: Factory set for thermocouple;grounded or ungrounded.
Lab Bench Case: 8"w x 8"d x 4 3/4"h.