规格 :500 ml
地区 :South America Brazil
Endotoxin level: <=10 EU/ml
Hemoglobin level: <=15 mg/dl
是否无菌过滤:通过3个连续100 nm孔径过滤器过滤
蛋白质含量 :3.5%~5.0%( w/v)
无菌检验: 阴性
支原体检验 ;阴性
牛腹泻病毒 :阴性
大肠杆菌噬菌体: 阴性
-5 °C to -20 °C.
Intended use(s):
in vitro diagnostic (IVD).
GIBCO One Shot™ Fetal Bovine Serum
New sera package in a 50ml format which enables easy one shot use, reducing the risk of contamination via the aliquoting process and ultimately improving the performance, reproducibility and variability of cell culture experiments.
All lots are sent for tetracycline testing and found to be below the limit of detection; less than 19.7 ng/ml.