THMS600 Specifications
•Temperature range-196°to 600°C(cooling option required)
•Up to 150°C/min heating,100°C/min Cooling(using LNP95 cooling pump)
•Temperature stability<0.1°C
•16 mm X,Y sample manipulation
•Sample area 22 mm diameter
•Quick-release gas valves for atmospheric control
•100ohm platinum resistor sensor.1/10th Din Class A to 0.1°C
•Light aperture-2.0mmØ
•Silver heating block for high thermal conductivity
•Direct injection of the coolant into the silver block
•Single ultra thin lid window-0.17mm
•Objective lens working distance-0.1mm to 4.5mm
•Condenser lens minimum working distance 12.5mm
•Range of condenser extension lenses available
•Can be used with all microscope techniques
•Water cooled stage body for high temperature work(>300°C)
•Suitable for Confocal,Laser Raman and X-Ray
•Sample side loading without removing the stage lid

TS1200 Specifications
•Temperature Range ambient to 1200°C
•Heating rates up to 200°C/min
•Type S Pt-10%Rh/Pt Thermocouple
•Sample cup 10mm diameter x 5mm deep
•Objective Lens minimum working distance:8.6mm
•Condenser minimum working distance:12.3mm
•Light aperture-1.7mm for accurate sample temperature
•Quick-release gas valves for atmospheric control
•Clamps directly to microscope substage
•Water cooling connections for stage lid and body
•Low mass for fast response in both heating and cooling
•Stage body size:l=104mm,w=95mm,height at optical axis 21mm,max.height at lid water outlet 40.8mm
•Stage weight:0.5Kg