“A competitively priced progressing cavity pump, with a compact construction and maximum performance characteristics.”
Capacity 流量
Z大可达 224m3/hr
Pressure 压力
Z大可达 24bar
Temperature 温度 -10°C up to 100°C
Typical applications include: 主要应用于:
• Domestic and industrial effluents 生活和工业废水
• Hydrated lime slurry 石灰浆料
• Sludge 污泥
• Shear sensitive latex emulsion 对剪切力敏感的乳胶等
• Milk curds, sauces, fruit juices 牛奶,调味品,果汁等
• Industrial chemicals and detergents
• Starch slurries 淀粉浆料
• Coating clays, gypsum and silicate 涂料,石膏和硅酸盐
• Paper stocks 造纸
• Agricultural slurries 农业泥浆
Materials of construction 泵体材料
Available in cast iron or stainless steel, with a choice of rotor and stator materials to suit individual applications e.g. hard chrome plated rotor or natural rubber stator.
High pressure / long haul pumping高压力,高扬程
Can offer considerable project cost savings by utilising small bore pipework and eliminating the need for a series of pumps, when pumping over long distances or with high head requirements.
Low running speeds 低运行转速
Reduced wear for a longer working pump life which extends the periods between routine maintenance. Think of the savings you could makeon abrasive applications.