上海甄准生物集后发优势与众多国际YL品Pai合作,并陆续成为他们在ZG区的总代理或者一级代理,现合作的优质供应商有:美国AccuStandard、APSC、MPBio、Sigma-Aldrich、NIST,爱尔兰Reagecon、Megazyme,英国LGC、Ultra,Iduron、日本和光(WAKO)、Shodex,德国Dr.E、PSS 等。同时,还提供美国USP标准物质、欧洲药典标准物质EDQM、加拿大TRC标准物质等。
甄准编号 英文名 中文名 包装
ZZS148 Nicotinic Acid 烟酸 2 g
ZZS1082 Cigarette Ignition Strength Standard 香yan点火强度标准 1 carton (200 cigarettes)
ZZS1196 Standard Cigarette for Ignition Resistance Testing 香yan标准抗引燃性测试 2 cartons(400 cigarettes)
ZZS2151 Nicotinic Acid (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) 烟酸 25 g
ZZS1202 Fabric Smoldering Ignition Testing Materials 织物材料阴燃点火测试 1 box
ZZS1453 Thermal Conductivity - Expanded Polystyrene Board 热导率——发泡聚苯乙烯板 each
ZZS1459 Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board 热阻,气相法白炭黑 each
ZZS1514 Thermal Analysis Purity Set (DSC) 热分析纯度集(DSC) set (4)
ZZS1990 Lattice Parameter/Single, Crystal (Ruby Spheres) 晶格参数 3 spheres
ZZS2538 Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Non-Mode-Coupled) 极化模式分散 each
ZZS2541 Silicon Resistivity 硅电阻率 each
ZZS2543 Silicon Resistivity 硅电阻率 each
ZZS2556 Recycled Pellet (Autocatalyst) 再生颗粒 70 g
ZZS2557 Recycled Monolith (Autocatalyst) 再生整体式 70 g
ZZS1984 Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Acicular) 热喷涂粉末粒度分布,碳化钨/钴(针状) 14 g
ZZS1985 Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Spheroidal) 热喷涂粉末粒度分布,碳化钨/钴(球状) 14 g
ZZS1358b Coating Thickness Standard, (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) 涂层厚度标准 set (5)
ZZS1359b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) 涂层厚度标准 set (5)
ZZS1361b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel 涂层厚度标准 set (5)
ZZS1362b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel 涂层厚度标准 set (5)
ZZS1363b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) 涂层厚度标准 set (5)
ZZS1364b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel 涂层厚度标准 set (5)
ZZS2579a Lead Paint Films for Portable XRF Analyzers 含铅油漆电影便携式光谱仪分析程序 set (6)
ZZS1921b IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film) 红外传输波长 1 card
ZZS2035a Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Transmission Standard Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Transmission Standard each
ZZS2036 Near-IR Wavelength/Wavenumber Reflection 红外线波长 each
ZZS2260a Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene 波长校准标准 5 x 1.2 mL
ZZS2514 Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1560 nm to 1595 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-12/O-16) 波长校准标准 each
ZZS2515 Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1595 nm to 1630 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-13/O-16) 波长校准标准 each
ZZS2517a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510–1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2 高分辨率波长校准 each
ZZS2518 Polarization Mode Dispersion 波长校准标准 each
ZZS2519a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1530-1565 nm Hydrogen Cyanide 高分辨率波长校准 each
ZZS8130 Coplanar Waveguide Calibration Set 共面波导校准 each
ZZS624 Lead-Silica, for dc resistivity 铅硅直流电阻率 200 g
ZZS17f Sucrose Optical Rotation 蔗糖旋光度 60 g
ZZS39j Benzoic Acid (Calorimetric Standard) 苯甲酸(量热标准) 30 g
ZZS45d Cu Freezing Point 铜凝固点 450 g
ZZS49e Lead Freezing Point 铅凝固点 600 g
ZZS84l Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 苯二甲酸氢钾 60 g
ZZS185i Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, pH Standard 邻苯二甲酸氢钾,pH标准 60 G
ZZS186g pH Standards, (set of 186-I-g + 186-II-g) pH标准 set
ZZS188 Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, pH 酒石酸氢钾,pH 60 g
ZZS189c Potassium Tetroxalate Dihydrate pH Standard 四草酸钾 65 g
ZZS191d pH Standards, (set of 191d-I + 191d-II) pH标准 1 bottle x25g;1bottlex30g
ZZS640d Silicon Powder Line Position + Line Shape Std for Powder Dif 硅粉线位置+线形状Std粉 7.5 g
ZZS660b Line Position and Line Shape, Std for Powder Diffraction 线位置和形状、粉末衍射 6 g
ZZS720 Sapphire Heat Capacity 蓝宝石热容量 15 g
ZZS723e Tris Acidimetric 酸量滴定 50 g
ZZS738 Stainless Steel - Thermal Expansion 不锈钢-热膨胀 51 x 6.4 mm
ZZS740a Zinc (Freezing Point) 锌凝固点 200 g
ZZS741a Tin (Freezing Point) 锡凝固点 200 g
ZZS742 Alumina (Reference Point) 氧化铝参考点 10 g
ZZS774 Lead-Silica (Dielectric Constant) 铅-二氧化硅(介电常数) block
ZZS781d2 Molybdenum (Heat Capacity) 钼(热性能) 10 cm
ZZS869b Column Selectivity Test Mixture for Liquid Chromatography 柱性能测试混合物液相色谱 5 x 1.1 mL
ZZS870 Column Performance Test Mixture of Liquid Chromatography 柱性能测试混合物液相色谱 5 x 1.1 mL
ZZS935a Potassium Dichromate, UV Absorbance Standard 重铬酸钾 15 g
ZZS1003c Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 玻璃珠,粒度分布 28 g
ZZS1655 Potassium Chloride, KCl (cr) for Solution Calorimetry 氯化钾,氯化钾量热法(cr)溶液 30 g
ZZS1745 Indium (Freezing Point) 铟凝固点 200 g
ZZS1746 Silver (Freezing Point) 银凝固点 300 g
ZZS1747 Tin Freezing Point Cell 锡凝固点 each
ZZS1748 Zinc Freezing Point Cell 锌凝固点 each
ZZS1749 Gold vs. Platinum Thermocouple Thermometer 金和铂热电偶温度计 each
ZZS1750 Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer 标准铂电阻温度计 each
ZZS1751 Gallium Melting-Point 镓熔点 200 g
ZZS1893 Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 铜努氏显微硬度测试 each
ZZS1894a Vickers Microhardness of Copper 显微硬度维氏 each
ZZS1895 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 铜努氏显微硬度测试 each
ZZS1896b Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 显微硬度维氏 each
ZZS1900 Specific Surface Area Standard 比表面积 4 g
ZZS1905 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 镍努氏显微硬度测试 each
ZZS1906 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 镍努氏显微硬度测试 each
ZZS1907 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 镍努氏显微硬度测试 each
ZZS1908 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 镍维氏显微硬度 each
ZZS1909 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 镍维氏显微硬度 each
ZZS1917 Mercury Porosimetry Standard 压汞仪法标准氧化铝球 10 g
ZZS1918 Mercury Porosimeter Intrusion Standard 压汞仪法标准挤压 12 g
ZZS1968 Gallium Melting Point 镓熔点 each
ZZS1969 Rubidium Triple Point 铷三相点 each
ZZS1970 Succinonitrile Triple Point 丁二三相点 each
ZZS1971 Indium Freezing-Point 铟凝固点 each
ZZS1972 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one Triple Point 1、3-二氧戊环-2-one三相点 60 g
ZZS1978 Zirconium Oxide (Particle Size) 氧化锆(粒径) 5 g
ZZS1982 Zirconia Thermal Spray Powder 氧化锆热喷雾粉末 10 g
ZZS2073a Sinusoidal Roughness 正弦粗糙度 each
ZZS2074 Sinusoidal Roughness 正弦粗糙度 each
ZZS2075 Sinusoidal Roughness 正弦粗糙度 each
ZZS2093 Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification) 低能量夏比v形缺口影响标本(自我验证) 5 bars
ZZS2096 High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 高能夏比v形缺口影响标本 set
ZZS2097 High Energy Charpy V Notch Impact Specimen (Self-Verification) 高能夏比V型缺口影响标本(自我确证) 5 bars
ZZS2100 Fracture Toughness of Ceramic 陶瓷断裂韧性 5 bars
ZZS2112 Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN) 动态冲击力Verific标本 set of four
ZZS2113 Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN) 动态冲击力Verific标本 set of four
ZZS2115 Low Energy Izod Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 低能量悬臂梁 set
ZZS2133 Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile 磷在Si植入深度剖面 each
ZZS2134 Arsenic in Silicon 砷植 each
ZZS2135c Ni-Cr Thin Film Depth Profile Ni-Cr Thin Film Depth Profile each
ZZS2137 B Implant in Si Depth Profile B在Si植入深度剖面 each
ZZS2206 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300nm) 控制孔玻璃——选择比表面积(300nm) 5 g
ZZS2207 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (18nm) 控制孔玻璃——选择比表面积(18m) 5 g
ZZS2214 Isooctane Liquid Density 异辛烷液体密度 4x5 mL
ZZS2225 Mercury (Differential Scanning Calorimeters) 汞(鉴别扫描热量计) 2.5 g
ZZS2232 Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion 铟DSC校准标准——温度和熔化焓 1 g
ZZS2234 Gallium for Thermal Analysis 镓用于热分析 approximately 2 g
ZZS2235 Bismuth for Thermal Analysis 铋用于热分析 1.5 g
ZZS2490 Non-Newtonian Polymer Solution for Rheological Measurements 聚合物流变法学 100 mL
ZZS2669 Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine 冰冻中的砷形态 Set (10) (5 each conc.)
ZZS2798a Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 显微硬度 each
ZZS2810 Rockwell C Hardness, Low Range 罗氏硬度 each
ZZS2811 Rockwell C Hardness, Mid Range 罗氏硬度 each
ZZS2812 Rockwell C Hardness, High Range 罗氏硬度 each
ZZS2816 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale Low Range (Nominal 72 HR 15N) 罗氏硬度 1 block
ZZS2817 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale Mid Range (Nominal 83 HR 15N) 罗氏硬度 1 block
ZZS2818 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale,High Range (Nominal 91 HR 15N) 罗氏硬度 1 block
ZZS2819 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale Low Range (Nominal 45 HR30N) 罗氏硬度 1 block
ZZS2820 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale Mid Range (Nominal 64 HR30N) 罗氏硬度 1 block
ZZS2821 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale High Range (Nominal 79 HR30N) 罗氏硬度 1 block
ZZS2828 Knoop Microhardness of Steel 钢微硬度普 1 block
ZZS2829 Vickers Microhardness of Steel 维氏显微硬度钢 1 block
ZZS2830 Microhardness, Ceramic-Knoop 显微硬度陶瓷努氏 each
ZZS2831 Vickers Hardness, Ceramics and Hardmetals 维氏硬度 each
ZZS2841 Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers 外延层 disk
ZZS2842 Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers 外延层 disk
ZZS2881 Polystyrene Absolute Molecular Mass Distribution Standard 纯粹聚苯乙烯分子量分布标准 0.3 g
ZZS3451 Low Temperature Seebeck Coefficient Standard 低温赛贝克标准 bar
ZZS5000 Overlay Wafer Standard 覆盖晶圆标准 each
ZZS5001 Two-Dimensional Grid Photomask, Std 二维网格光罩标准 each
ZZS8091 Scanning Electron Microscope Sharpness Standard 扫描电子显微镜锐度标准 each
ZZS8096 CMOS MEMS 5 in 1 Test Chip CMOS MEMS 5 1测试芯片 1 computer chip
ZZS8097 MEMS 5 in 1 Test Chip MEMS 5 1测试芯片 1 computer chip
ZZS8441a Wheat Hardness 小麦硬度 set (50)
ZZS8445 Spray-Dried Whole Egg for Allergen Detection 全蛋粉喷雾 5 g
ZZS8480 Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - Low Range 二次铁素体数标准 10x12x20
ZZS8481 Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - High Range 二次铁素体数标准 set (8)
ZZS8786 Filter Blank for RM 8785 滤光片空白RM 8785 filter
ZZS8820 Scanning Electron Microscope Scale Calibration Artifact 人工尺度电子扫描电子显微镜 1 chip
ZZS8988 Titanium Dioxide Powder - Particle Size Distribution 钛-粒度分布 6 g
ZZS1543 GC/MS System Performance GC/MS 系统性能 4 x 1 mL
ZZS1976b Instrument Response Std for, X-Ray Powder Diffraction 仪器回应,x 射线粉末衍射 1 disc
ZZS2000 Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction 高分辨率x射线衍射校准标准 1 block
ZZS2012 Calibration Standard for High Resolution X Ray Diffraction 高分辨率x射线衍射校准标准 wafer
ZZS2087 Dimensional Standard for Medical Computed Tomography 尺寸标准医学计算机断层扫描 each
ZZS2088 Density Standard for Medical Computed Tomography 医学ct密度标准 five foam blocks
ZZS2241 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each
ZZS2242 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation 相对强度校正标准拉曼光谱:532nm激发 each
ZZS2244 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 1064 nm Excitation 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each
ZZS2245 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each
ZZS2246 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation 相对强度校正标准拉曼光谱:830nm激发 each
ZZS2940 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Orange Emission 412 nm 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
ZZS2941 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Green Emission 427 nm 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
ZZS2942 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Ultraviolet Emission 310.0 nm 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
ZZS2943 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Blue Emission 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
ZZS2944 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Red Emission 荧光光谱相对强度修正标准 510.0 nm
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