Green Fluorescent Proteins绿色荧光蛋白产品是由Nanolight公司生产,在国内由我公司提供销售。详细信息如下:
Ptilosarcus Green Fluorescent protein( ptilosarcus绿色荧光蛋白)
Renilla Reniformis GFP(海洋腔肠GFP)
Renilla Mullerei GFP
Ptilosarcus GFP
Highly purified single band on SDS gels, very active and bright GFP. Has much higher absortion and 495nm excitation, with 3X the fluorescence of eGFP or Aequoia GFP. Emission at 508nm. For best performance should be used with proper filter set.
Renilla Reniformis GFP
Highly purified single band on SDS gels, very active and bright GFP. Has much higher absortion and 495nm excitation, with 3X the fluorescence of eGFP or Aequoia GFP. Emission at 508nm. For best performance should be used with proper filter set.
Renilla Mullerei GFP
Highly purified single band on SDS gels, very active and bright GFP. Has much higher absortion and 495nm excitation, with 3X the fluorescence of eGFP or Aequoia GFP. Emission at 508nm. For best performance should be used with proper filter set.
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