上海文乐生物专业供应Ted Pella品Pai产品,专业代理供应
ted pella成立于1968年,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,专业生产电子与光学显微镜设备与耗材。经过多年的发展,Ted Pella逐渐成为电子及光学显微镜领域的著名品Pai。 1975年,由于国际市场的不断拓展,公司成立PELCO Internatioal子公司,专门负责出口业务。出众的产品品质和完善的服务,很快又使PELCO成为了显微镜领域中的另一个著名品Pai。2007年由于发展的需要,PELCO Internatioal公司重新并入Ted Pella公司,取而代之的是Ted Pella公司的PELCO国际部。 Ted Pella公司的业务涉及扫描与透射电子显微镜、电子探针、原子力显微镜、激光共聚焦显微镜以及光学显微镜等几乎所有的显微分析领域,代表着同行业中的世界先进水平,尤其是世界公认的电镜微波处理技术的。公司将继续为世界的显微镜用户提供ZY质的产品和最完善的服务。上海文乐生物科技有限公司作为tedpella品Pai代理,为ZG用户带来tedpella高品质产品和服务,
Ted Pella, Inc. was founded in January, 1968 by Ted Pella, President and Christel Pella, Executive Vice President in charge of Pelco International, the international division of Ted Pella, Inc. Ted was formerly Director of Marketing of LKB Instruments in Stockholm, Sweden, while Chris started as an EM Technologist in the Anatomy Department under Professor Fritiof Sjöstrand, at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
The company started in Altadena, California and has steadily grown over the years, expanding into what is now our location in Redding, California. In 1998 Tom Pella joined the company and is now the General Manager. Among the talented staff are specialists in the field of ultramicrotomy, immunogold staining, vacuum evaporation and material science. Ted Pella, Inc. is recognized as the leader in microwave tissue processing technology, being active in research in this area. We continually strive to provide our customers with outstanding products and service.
Pelco International was formed in 1975 as the export company for Ted Pella, Inc. specializing and understanding the many needs and requirements connected with sending products all over the world. In 2007 Pelco International merged with Ted Pella, Inc. and became the international division of Ted Pella, Inc.
We manufacture instruments and supplies and serve laboratories dedicated to a variety of types of microscopy: Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Electron Microprobe Analysis, Atomic Force Microscopy, Confocal Laser Microscopy and Light Microscopy. We serve a diverse set of fields including Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Failure Analysis, Forensics, Genetics, Histology, Materials Science, MEMS, Materialography/Metallography, Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Neurosciences, Pathology, Pharmaceuticals, Physics, Quality Assurance and Semiconductors. We serve colleges and universities, private companies, hospitals and various branches of government, domestic and international.
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