现货供应Expedite 8909 核酸合成仪。
Expedite Model 8909, With Trityl Monitor and MOSS, one year items & Tech Support Warranty.
The Expedite 8909 Nucleic Acid Synthesis System is an economical, versatile platform that synthesizes DNA and RNA oligonucleotides as well as peptide nucleic acids (PNA) with fast cycle times and a low cost-per-base. The 8909 system is ideal for synthesizing short primers and probes as well as sequences exceeding 100-mer in scales ranging from 50 nmol to 15 µmol. The basic Expedite™ 8909 system features independently controlled, simultaneous dual-column synthesis and 3.5 minute cycle times. Up to six systems can be controlled from a single Expedite™ workstation. The workstation monitors synthesis status on all systems and provides single-point control for all sequence entry, data management, and reporting tasks.
上海智岩科学仪器有限公司是美国Biolytic公司Dr.Oligo系列DNA/RNA合成仪(BLP-8、BLP-16、BLP-48、BLP-96、BLP-192、BLP-384、BLP-768)、多肽合成仪(ABI 433)、氨气氨解仪在ZG授权的代理商。
上海智岩科学仪器有限公司是德国K&A公司系列DNA/RNA/LNA合成仪(S-4-LC、H-6、H-8、H-8 SE、H-16、H-32、H-96/192)、OPC纯化仪(P-8、P-96/192)、氨解仪等产品在ZG的代理商。
电 话:021-33860657 33860659
网 址:www.Lab51.cn