Catalog Number H-8362
Molecular Formula C₃₃H₄₇N₁₁O₁₁
Relative Molecular Mass 773.80
CAS Registry Number [214550-64-8] net
One Letter Code DAEFRH
Source Synthetic
Storage Conditions -20 ± 5 °C
Areas of Interest Alzheimer's Disease
Experiments using sub-peptides of Aβ42 revealed that the epitope identified by the antibody A8, as described by Ying and coworkers, lies within the 1–6 region of Aβ. The antibody displays high affinity for soluble Aβ42 oligomers in the molecular weight range of 16.5–25 kDa, and detected target antigen in brain sections from senescence-accelerated SAMP 8 mice.
更多产品信息,请点击:原装进口,Amyloid β-Protein (1-6) trifluoroacetate salt,bachem品Pai大包装更优惠!
