GMC-22 低压交流接触器
LS产电将发展成为品质、产品开发能力的企业,为顾客提供整体解决方案的企业,与客户共同成长的企业。伴随顾客身边的企业(Always with our customers)
LS集团计划发展成为向顾客提供Leading Solutions的企业、贡献与社会的企业、任职员实现梦想的企业。所有LS任职员在“伴随顾客身边的企业”的经营理念下,将致力于使LS品Pai广受国内外顾客的喜爱。LS产电-自动化产品 ------1大类:可编程控制器(PLC) -+--k120s可编程控制器(见文档LS-K120,PDF) K80S & K120S
Powerful & compact block-type PLC
CPU, digital I/O and power part are embedded in block-type PLCs, which is very compact and easy to install in area you want for system configuration. Also through various built-in function, user can configure cost-effective system.
+--- Smart I/O端子模块
Smart I/O
Smart I/O for efficient and simple system
- Using Smart I/O, users can reduce the wiring and control I/O in real time, which means it helps to realize simple and effective system.
- Also it provides various I/O(DC/TR/Realy) and support various communication(Rnet, DeviceNet, Profibus-DP, RS422/485)
PMU 30 系列
便利的控制和监控系统-PMU 30系列
LS PMU 30系列采用多种屏幕配置和升级过的高速图形控制器,方便用户使用,提高系统监控效率。还提供多种屏幕规格(从5.5”到12.1”)。
产品型说明列表(见自动化产品列表内人机界面(PMU 系列))
样本资料下载(添加文挡LS-PMU PDF/ LS-XGT微型文本显示器.pdf)
+---IC5系列小型,无传感器矢量控制 变频调速器(单相220V专用)
存储卡 4631007200 488 #REF! Memoty pack for Back-up, 32 K steps
扩展电缆 G4C-E041 G4M-M032 GM4-B08E 4631011700 407 #REF! Expansion cable(0.4m) between Master and Expansion Base
4631011800 468 #REF! Expansion cable(1.2m) between Master and Expansion Base
4631011900 650 #REF! Expansion cable(3.0m) between Master and Expansion Base
输入模块 G4I-D22A G4C-E301 G4C-E00 835 #REF! DC Input 16 points(Current Sink/Source Type)
4631008800 1,301 #REF! DC Input 32 points(Current Sink/Source Type)
4631008700 1,526 #REF! DC Input 64 points, (Current Sink/Source Type)
G4I-D22B G4I-D28A G4I-D24A 4631008300 774 #REF! DC Input 16 points(Current Source Type)
4631008400 1,140 #REF! DC Input 32 points(Current Source Type)
4631008000 894 #REF! AC 110V Input 16 points
G4I-A22A G4I-A12A G4I-D24B 4631008100 894 #REF! AC 220V Input 16 points
输出模块 G4Q-RY2A 4631008900 936 #REF! Relay Output 16 points(AC 240V, DC24V 2A)
4631009100 916 #REF! Tr.(NPN Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.)
4631009200 1,382 #REF! Tr.(NPN Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)
G4Q-TR8A G4Q-TR4A G4Q-TR2A 4631009600 2,074 #REF! Tr.(NPN Type) Output 64 points(DC12/24V 0.2A)
4631009400 916 #REF! Tr.(PNP Type) Output 16 points(DC12/24V 0.)
4631009500 1,382 #REF! Tr.(PNP Type) Output 32 points(DC12/24V 0.1A)
G4Q-SS2A G4Q-TR4B G4Q-TR2B 4631009000 1,361 #REF! SSR(NPN Type) Output 16 points(AC 100~240V 1A)
4631009300 1,219 #REF! SSR(PNP Type) Output 16 points(AC 100~240V 1A)
混合模块 4631008500 1,057 #REF! Hybrid I/O , DC24V Input 8点, RELAY Output 8点
G4H-DT2A 4631008600 1,057 #REF! Hybrid I/O , DC24V Input 8点, TRANSISTOR Output 8点
特殊模块 G4F-INTA G4H-DR2A G4Q-SS2B 4631007900 2,135 #REF! DC Interrupt(中断) Input 8 points
4631009700 2,501 #REF! Analog Input 4 Channels, DC±10V, DC±5, DC±20mA
4631010200 3,050 #REF! Analog Input 8 Channels, DC1~5V, DC4~20mA, DC0~10V
G4F-DA1A G4F-AD3A G4F-AD2A 4631009900 2,704 #REF! Analog Output 2 Channels, DC±10V, DC4~20mA
4631010300 3,902 #REF! Analog Output 8 Channels, DC-10~+10V
4631010400 2,906 #REF! Analog Output 4 Channels, DC-10~+10V
G4F-DA3I G4F-DA2V G4F-DA3V 4631010500 3,902 #REF! Analog Output 8 Channels, DC4~20mA
4631010600 2,906 #REF! Analog Output 4 Channels, DC4~20mA
4631010100 2,906 #REF! Thermocouple Input, 4 Channels(Type : K, J, E, T, B, R, S)
G4F-RD2A 4631010000 2,601 #REF! Resistive Temperature Detectors, 4路, 3线(范围 : -200~600℃)
G4F-AT3A G4F-TC2A G4F-DA2I 4631009800 1,118 #REF! Analog Timer, 8 points(On-delay Operation)
4631012400 1,526 #REF! PID Module, Max. 16 Loops, Forward/Reverse Conversion available
4631012000 2,174 #REF! High Speed Count Module, 1 Channel(Range : 0~16,777,215)
G4F-HD1A 4631013400 1,361 #REF! High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 500kpps,Line Drive Type
G4F-HO1A G4F-HSCA G4F-PIDB 4631013300 1,728 #REF! High Speed Count Module, 2 Channel 200kpps,Open Collector Type
G4F-PP1D 2,784 #REF! Position Module, 1 axis, Line Drive type Output
G4F-PP2D 3,089 #REF! Position Module, 2 axis, Line Drive type Output
G4F-PP3D 3,395 #REF! Position Module, 3 axis, Line Drive type Output
G4F-PP1O 4631012600 2,784 #REF! Position Module, 1 axis, Open Collector type Output
G4F-PP2O 3,089 #REF! Position Module, 2 axis, Open Collector type Output
G4F-PP3O 4631012800 3,395 #REF! Position Module, 3 axis, Open Collector type Output
通讯模块 G4L-CUEA 4631011200 2,562 #REF! Computer Communication(RS232C/485 each 1 channel)
G4L-PUEB 4631011600 2,670 #REF! Profibus-DP Master(7K)
G4L-RUEA 4631016000 2,034 #REF! R-Net Master, 1Mbps
G4L-DUEA 4631011300 2,034 #REF! Device Net Master, 500Kbps
G4L-EUTB 4631014500 1,931 #REF! E-Net(Open Type), UTP
G4L-EUFB 1,931 #REF! E-Net(Open Type), Fiber Optic
G4L-EU5B 1,931 #REF! E-Net(Open Type), AUI
G4L-EUTC 2,034 #REF! E-Net(Master), UTP
G4L-EUFC 2,034 #REF! E-Net(Master), Fiber Optic
G4L-EU5C 2,034 #REF! E-Net(Master), AUI
G4L-ERTC 1,829 #REF! E-Net(Slave), UTP
G4L-ERFC 1,829 #REF! E-Net(Slave), Fiber Optic
G4L-ER5C 1,829 #REF! E-Net(Slave), AUI
G4L-FUEA 4631011000 2,034 #REF! Fieldbus(F-net) Master Module, 1Mbps(Mounted on I/O slot)
G4L-RBEA 4631011100 2,259 #REF! Fieldbus(F-net) Remote Module, 1Mbps(Mounted on CPU slot)
占空模块 GM4-DMMA 4631012300 156 #REF! Dummy module for Empty I/O Slots
K1000S (模块型)
CPU模块 K7P-30AS 4630000100 3,949 #REF! CPU Module, Max. I/O 2,048 points, Memory 64 ksteps
电源模块 GM3-PA1A 4630005800 2,325 #REF! Input Power AC 110V, Output DC 5V:6A, DC 24V:1.
GM3-PA2A 4630005900 2,325 #REF! Input Power AC 220V, Output DC 5V:6A, DC 24V:1.
主基板 GM3-B04M 4630005200 1,086 #REF! Main Base, 4 slot
GM3-B06M 4630005400 1,316 #REF! Main Base, 6 slot
GM3-B08M 4630005600 1,937 #REF! Main Base, 8 slot
扩展基板 GM3-B04E 4630005100 1,354 #REF! Expansion Base, 4 slot
GM3-B06E 4630005300 1,646 #REF! Expansion Base, 6 slot
GM3-B08E 4630005500 2,325 #REF! Expansion Base, 8 slot
扩展电缆 G3C-E00 851 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Baes (0.6m)
G3C-E00 968 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (1.2m)
G3C-E00 1,086 #REF! Cable between Main and Expansion Base (3.0m)
存储卡 G3M-M064S 4630005700 484 #REF! Memory Capacity 64 kstep
输入模块 G3I-D22A 4630006700 1,472 #REF! DC Input 16 points, (Sink/Source)
G3I-D24A 4630006800 1,665 #REF! DC Input 32 points, (Sink/Source)
G3I-D28A 4630006900 3,698 #REF! DC Input 64 points, (Sink/Source)
G3I-A12A 4630006300 1,472 #REF! AC 110V Input 16 points
G3I-A22A 4630006500 1,472 #REF! AC 220V Input 16 points
G3I-D22C 2,091 #REF! DC Input 16 points (Independent Point, Source)
G3I-A14A 4630006400 1,781 #REF! AC 110V Input 32 points
G3I-A24A 4630006600 1,781 #REF! AC 220V Input 32 points
输出模块 G3Q-RY2A 4630007800 1,721 #REF! Relay Output 16 points (2A)
G3Q-SS2A 4630008000 2,382 #REF! SSR Output 16 poins (2A)
G3Q-TR2A 4630008200 1,547 #REF! TR Output 16 poins (2A)
G3Q-RY4A 4630007900 2,207 #REF! Relay Output 32 points (2A)
G3Q-SS4A 4630008100 4,065 #REF! SSR Output 32 points (1A)
G3Q-TR4A 4630008300 2,344 #REF! Transistor Output 32 points (0., Sink)
G3Q-TR4B 2,419 #REF! Transistor Output 32 points (0., Source)
G3Q-TR8A 4630008400 3,561 #REF! Transistor Output 64 points (0.1A, Sink)
G3Q-TR8B 3,561 #REF! Transistor Output 64 points (0.1A, Source)
中断模块 G3F-INTA 4630004200 4,239 #REF! Interrupt Module, 16 Channels
模拟量模块 G3F-AD3A 4630004700 6,604 #REF! Analog Input DC 1~5V / 0~10V / 4~20mA, 8 channels
G3F-AD4A 4630004300 9,507 #REF! Analog Input DC -5~ 5V / -10~ 10V / -20~ 20mA, 16 channels
G3F-AD4B 4630009600 9,507 #REF! Analog Input DC 1~5V / 0~10V / 4~20mA, 16 channels
G3F-DA3V 46300097 6,002 #REF! Analog Voltage Output ( DC 0~+10V), 8 channels
G3F-DA3I 6,389 #REF! Analog Current Output ( DC 4~20mA), 8 channels
G3F-DA4V 4630004500 8,577 #REF! Analog Voltage Output ( DC-5~+5 / -10~10V), 16 channels
G3F-DA4I 4630004400 8,926 #REF! Analog Current Output ( DC 4~20mA), 16 channels
特殊模块 G3F-AT4A 4630009400 5,053 #REF! Analog Timer Module, 16 Analog Timers, 设定:0.1~1/1~10/10~60/60~600S
G3F-PIDA 4630012000
G3F-PIDB 7,765 #REF! PID Control Module, Max. 32 Loop Control
G3F-HSCA 4630011900 4,065 #REF! High Speed Counter, 2路, 0~16,777,215 ( 50kHz, Binary 24bits)
G3F-LPCA 14,772 #REF! 4Channels Loop Processing Control Module
G3F-POPA 4630010000
G3F-TC4A 4630009500 14,772 #REF! Thermocouple Input, 16 Channel (K,J,E,T,B,R,S)
G3F-RD3A 4630004600 10,649 #REF! Resistive Temperature Detectors, 8 channel
通讯模块 G3L-CUEA 4630010700 6,216 #REF! Computer link Module (RS-232C/RS-485 each 1 Channel)
G3L-PUEA 8,100 #REF! Profibus-DP Master(1K)
G3L-PUEB 4,840 #REF! Profibus-DP Master(7K)
G3L-RUEA 6,216 #REF! R-Net Master, 1Mbps
G3L-DUEA 6,216 #REF! Device Net Master, 500Kbps
G3L-EUTB 4630012900 5,809 #REF! E-Net(Open Type), UTP
G3L-EUFB 5,809 #REF! E-Net(Open Type), Fiber Optic
G3L-EU5B 5,809 #REF! E-Net(Open Type), AUI
G3L-EUTC 6,216 #REF! E-Net(Master), UTP
G3L-EUFC 6,216 #REF! E-Net(Master), Fiber Optic
G3L-EU5C 6,216 #REF! E-Net(Master), AUI
G3L-ERTC 5,421 #REF! E-Net(Slave), UTP
G3L-ERFC 5,421 #REF! E-Net(Slave), Fiber Optic
G3L-ER5C 5,421 #REF! E-Net(Slave), AUI
G3L-FUEA 4630010300 5,074 #REF! Fnet Interface Module 1Mbps (Twisted Pair Cable)
G3L-RBEA 4630010500 4,296 #REF! Fnet Remote I/O Module 1Mbps (Twisted Pair Cable)
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