杭州雷琪-赛默飞世尔实验室耗材、科学仪器专家:nalgene fisher、fisherbrand、nunc 、QSP、Thermo移液器及耗材、多区授权代理商 labserv,电话:0571-86684137 4000808817 企业QQ:4000808817 Ensure excellent sample containment using Thermo Scientific™ Sterilin Polystyrene 30mL Universal Containers, featuring a traditional flow seal with 1-1/2 turn cap. Aseptically manufactured. NOT AVAILABLE IN AMERICA描述
Leak-tested in accordance with BS EN 14254 Annexe D
95kPa-compliance ensures leak-free performance and suitability for transport (except spoon variants)
Available pre-filled with boric acid (0.4g) for the preservation of urine samples