型号: Store JD1, JD5, JD8, Co-factor 1, Co-factor 2, Co-factor 3 and 8-Well Assay Strips at 4°C away from light. Store JD3, JD4, JD6, and JD7 at -20°C away from light.Store remaining components at room temperature.
Store JD1, JD5, JD8, Co-factor 1, Co-factor 2, Co-factor 3 and 8-Well Assay Strips at 4°C away from light. Store JD3, JD4, JD6, and JD7 at -20°C away from light.Store remaining components at room temperature.
1 Kit
JARID Demethylase Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit (Fluorometric) is use for screening JARID demethylase inhibitors.