abnova_product_url:http://www.abnova.com/products/products_detail.asp?catalog_id=DP0116 | product_description:This protein phosphorylation antibody pair set comes with two antibodies, one against the STAT5A protein, and the other against the specific S726 phosphorylated site of STAT5A for use in
in situ Proximity Ligation Assay. See Publication Reference below. | immunogen: | form: | concentration: | recommend_dilutions: | storage_buffer: | storage_instruction:Store reagents of the antibody pair set at -20°C or lower. Please aliquot to avoid repeated freeze thaw cycle. Reagents should be returned to -20°C storage immediately after use. | quality_control_testing:Dual recognition immunofluorescence result. | type_clonality:Ab Pair | raised_in_host_species: | specificity: | species_reactivity_cross_reactivity:Human | application_key:PLA-Ce | 联系人: 邢先生 电话:13260236521 | 固话:010-56146401 | QQ:20493615 | Email:info@f-biology.com