BioDynami NGS DNA Library Prep Kit (illumina platform)
The BioDynami NGS DNA Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of high quality libraries for next generation sequencing using illumina platform. The kit adds 3'-dT-tailed library adapters to both ends of DNA fragments efficiently. The kit uses double strand DNA fragments (blunt and/or sticky) as input DNA for NGS library construction, and is compatible with DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods (dsDNA fragmentase etc.) and physical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.). The high library conversion efficiency of the kit makes it ideal for creating PCR-free libraries when using adaptors with cluster sequences. Library multiplexing up to 192 samples is available.
Kit advantages:• Simple work flow • Fast - Hands-on time: ~10 min - Total time: 1~1.5 hr • High quality: better library conversion efficiency • Better coverage at difficult regions such as high GC plus repeat region • Input DNA amount: from 100 ng to 1 ug