Bx2 series 1000 DEG C /1200 DEG C box type furnace, muffle furnace for integrated design, control and the furnace body and the second one, Thoroughly solve the man-made damage caused by the user does not use the terminal. Convenient cargo transport, Whole is more beautiful, since the market is widely praised by the customers.
一体箱式电炉系列 用途概述:
This series of electric furnace with KSW type temperature controller and Ni - Cr - Ni Si galvanic, on furnace temperature measurement, instructions and automatic control. A new generation of electric furnace series uses the domestic advanced technology, furnace shell with high quality steel plate by folding welding is pulled into, control box and the furnace body is an integral structure. To avoidthe cumbersome client installation. The lining of the rectangle made of silicon carbide refractorylining whole. The heating element is made of Fe Cr Al alloy wire wound into a spiral within the lining wear in the upper and lower, left, right of the wire slot. Furnace sealing type structure, furnace mouth bricks, door brick using lightweight refractory, between the furnace and the furnace shell with refractory fiber, expanded perlite products masonry for thermal insulation layer.
产品型号 DAOHAN 一体式箱式电炉(马弗炉)BX-2.5-10
额定功率 千瓦(KW) 2.5
额定电压 伏(V) 220V
相数 相 单
极限温度 1000℃
使用温度 RT+100-900℃
加热件接法 -
升温时间 分 < 60
空炉损耗 千瓦(KW) < 0.8
积蓄热 千瓦时 < 6
炉温均匀度 ℃ < 15
炉膛尺寸 毫米(mm) 高80 宽120 深200
外型尺寸 毫米(mm) 高500宽440 深575
净重 公斤(KG) 35