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Chroma 2233-B可编程视频信号图形产生器为一款多功能的量测设备,
它结合Analog / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort / SDTV / HDTV的信号,具
回收Chroma 2233-B视频信号图形产生器
Chroma 2233-B视频信号图形产生器的详细介绍
Chroma 2233-B功能特色:
Chroma 2233-B多端口独立输出测试应用
* HDMI port 输出x3
* DisplayPort port 输出x2
* SCART port (输出x1 / 输入x1)
* DisplayPort V1.1a 点频率 270MHz
* DisplayPort 支援HDCP V1.3
* Chroma 2233-B支持手/自动DisplayPort 功能设定
* 2 link rate (1.62/2.7Gbps)选择
* 1,2,4 Video Lane选择
* 0/3.5/6/9.5dB pre-emphasis选择
* 400 / mV Swing level选择
* HDMI V1.3C (具有 24, 30, 36bit色深 /xvYCC / CEC / Lip Sync 功能)
Chroma 2233-B数字(DVI)频率330MHz
* 支持DVI Dual HDCP测试应用
* DVI、HDMI及DisplayPort含HDCP输出
* Y、Pb、Pr / Y、Cb、Cr / Y、R-Y、B-Y色差输出
* S-Video / CVBS / SCART / RGB / 色差端子/ D端子输出
* NTSC / PAL / SECAM电视信号提供
* EDID读出 / 写入 / 比对
* 简易的图像编辑
* HDMI/DVI即插即用功能
* 支持省电模式
* USB界面
回收Chroma 2233-B视频信号图形产生器
The German-based UXM-based solution is the first solution on the
market to support NB-IoT and Cat M1 RF metrics and power test.
And China Telecom and other industry pioneer cooperation to let
the German technology to provide from the product design, valida
tion, interoperability and operator certification of a full set of cellular
networking test solution provider. "Said Garrett Lees, senior director
of technology wireless carriers and labs.