是否提供加工定制 | 是 | 品Pai | 威宝 |
型号 | WB-9700 | 控制类型 | 温度 |
控制模式 | 机械式温度控制器 | 温度范围 | 45-165(℃) |
测温误差 | 5(℃) | 开孔尺寸 | 10(mm) |
安装型式 | 焊接 | 输出信号 | 110(mA) |
工作电压 | 250(V) | 外形尺寸 | 20*7(mm) |
重量 | 1(Kg) | | |
温控器本公司销售多种产品,价格优惠、质量优质、服务,欢迎新老客户来电详谈...(图片和产品属性仅供参考,具体来电详谈...)RS-9700热保护器RS-9700 Series Thermal Protector结构特点Features or structureRS-9700系列热保护器是由碟形高灵敏双金属元件、动触头、静触片、固定底座、外壳、耐温导线等组成。工作时双金属元件处于自由状态,动触头与静触片闭合,电路导通。当使用电器因故障发热而使温度上升至热保护器的动作温度时,双金属元件受热产生内应力而迅速动作,推开动触头离开静触片而断开电路,从而切断故障电器电源起到保护电器作用。当被保护电器温度下降到热保护器的额定复位温度值时,双金属元件恢复到初始状态触点闭合,电器恢复正常工作。该产品具有电阻小、感温快、动作迅速、安全可靠、体积小等优点。 RS-9700 series thermal protector consists of dish shape high sensitive bimetallic elemeng,movable contact-head,static contact-piece,soleplate,outer case,ghermal resistant lead and so on.When operation,the bimetallic element is in free state and movable contact-head and static contace-piece are closed and the circuit is on.When the electric appliance is in operation is in operation and produces heat caused by some troubles and temperature is raised to the rated action temperature of the product,the bimetallic element produces inner stuess and acts quickly and pushes the movable contact-head and make the vontact point off and the power supply is rurned off the electric appliance stop.in this way the thermal protection is made.When the temperature of electric appliance to be protected is dropped to the rated reset temperature.The bimetallic element restores to its primary state and contact point is closed .The electric appliance restores its work.The product has many advantages such as small in resistor,puick in temperature feeling,fast in action.Safe and reliable.compact and so on.应用范围Product application适用于各种家用电器和电子产品。如马达、日光灯镇流器、电池充电器、变压器、园筒形线圈、电蒸气浴机、电热水器、办公自动化设备等的过热保护。Be applicable to all kinds of home appliances and electronics products. Such as Electric Motors,Fluorescent Ballasts,Battery Chargers,Transformers,Solenoids,Heating pads,OA-Machines ETC.技术参数Technical parameters:
动作温度 Action temperature | 复位温度 Reset temperature | | 动作温度 Action temperature | 复位温度 Reset temperature |
45+/-5℃ | 40+/-6℃ | 105+/-5℃ | 80+/-15℃ |
50+/-5℃ | 43+/-6℃ | 110+/-5℃ | 80+/-15℃ |
55+/-5℃ | 45+/-6℃ | 115+/-5℃ | 85+/-15℃ |
60+/-5℃ | 50+/-10℃ | 120+/-5℃ | 90+/-15℃ |
65+/-5℃ | 50+/-10℃ | 125+/-5℃ | 95+/-15℃ |
70+/-5℃ | 50+/-10℃ | 130+/-5℃ | 100+/-15℃ |
75+/-5℃ | 55+/-10℃ | 135+/-5℃ | 105+/-15℃ |
80+/-5℃ | 55+/-10℃ | 140+/-5℃ | 110+/-15℃ |
85+/-5℃ | 55+/-10℃ | 145+/-5℃ | 115+/-15℃ |
90+/-5℃ | 60+/-10℃ | 150+/-5℃ | 120+/-15℃ |
95+/-5℃ | 65+/-10℃ | 155+/-5℃ | 125+/-15℃ |
100+/-5℃ | 75+/-10℃ | 160+/-5℃ | 130+/-15℃ |
特殊规格可根据客户要求定做The specification can also be manufactured as request. |
额 定 电 压 Rated Voltage :AC250V/AC125V;额 定 电 流 Rated Current:1~10常态电气强度 Electric intensity:﹥800V常态接触电阻 Contact resistance:﹤30m?绝 缘 电 阻 Lnsulation resistance: ﹥100M?响 应 速 度 Response speed:≦1℃/min寿 命 次 数 Number of automatic cycles: ﹥6000(阻抗负荷Resistive Load)温度检测方法:将试样两引线分别接在测试设备的夹具上,通上10mA左右的电流(不超过100mA),用一发光二极管指示电流的通断,然后将试样放入专用测温设备内,(测试设备内温度应均匀,加热升温速度可控制)温度计探头应贴近试样,控制检测设备温度以0.5~1℃/min的速率升温,当发光二极管熄灭时,记下温度计读数即为试样的动作温度。TEST METHOD:Sample is connected to the fixture of the equipment,and placed into the test equipment (Hot current of air in the space of test should be equipped with a stirrer and temperature is controllable).A detect current about 10mA(no more then 100mA)is passed through the sample and a thermometer is placed junction to the sample to monitor the opening temperature .The temperature of the test equipment is raised at the rate of 0.5~1℃ per minute until the sample functioned.