FEEDBACK 大小鼠睡眠剥夺系统,STAND ALONE 大小鼠睡眠剥夺系统我们提供两种形式的自动睡眠剥夺系统:STAND ALONE睡眠剥夺系统和FEEDBACK睡眠剥夺系统。FEEDBACK睡眠剥夺系统根据实时采集到动物的EEG和EMG信号作为依据,反馈控制旋转杆的动作。FEEDBACK SLEEP DEPRIVATION SYSTEMThe FEEDBACK SYSTEM provides calendar-scheduling functionality plus the capability of adding real-time EEG/EMG feedback to ensure the bar rotates only when the animal enters a sleep-like state. Bar rotation starts and stops automatically based on user established rule sets for the animal’s sleep state, and users can easily incorporate delays, shifts in bar rotation, and time restrictions into the experimental setup.
The Feedback system can be controlled by a computer or by the programmable interface on the front panel of the device. Operating in feedback mode requires a computer connection.
The bar rotates at speeds between five and fifteen RPM and can be programmed to change directions to reduce acclimatization to the sleep deprivation environment. Bar rotation can be completely controlled by real-time EEG and EMG activity.
System accommodates water, food, and bedding. A variety of cage sizes are availble for mice and rats.
A Pinnacle EEG/EMG system is required to use EEG & EMG signals to regulate sleep deprivation. See the "Rules/Scheduling" tab below for more information.
Optional video recording provides a platform for synchronizing EEG and EMG changes with observable behavioral states. Captured video is displayed on screen and is synchronized with other recorded data in playback mode.
RULES-BASED PROGRAMMINGThe true versatility of the feedback system is unlocked in Sirenia® Acquisition with the included license key. Our software uses EEG and EMG data to establish thresholds, or rule sets, for the animal’s sleep patterns. Rule criteria can be easily adjusted by the researcher to target specific sleep behaviors and the system can be programmed to operate only during user-defined periods of time.
YOKED CONTROL FUNCTIONALITY Add additional units to perform yoked control sleep studies. All systems can be programmed to operate simultaneously under one schedule or set of rules. A feedback system is required for yoked control.
EFFECTIVENESS OF YOKED CONTROL SLEEP DEPRIVATION EEG and EMG activity were recorded for 24 hours (baseline) from two cohorts of five male C57BL/6J mice. During the following 24 hours, the first cohort was actively sleep deprived (SD) for a 12-hour lights-on/12-hour lights-off period. An identical cohort of five mice was subjected to yoked control (YC) sleep deprivation. The YC mice underwent the exact same sleep deprivation stimuli and duration as SD animals but were otherwise allowed to sleep ad lib. The chart below shows total cumulative sleep loss accrued during the 24-hour sleep deprivation period for both cohorts. Sleep loss was calculated by subtracting the total minutes of sleep accumulated during sleep deprivation from the total minutes of sleep accumulated during the same period during baseline. Purple bars represent the SD cohort, and gold bars represent the YC cohort. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean.
A Pinnacle EEG/EMG system is required to operate the sleep deprivation unit in feedback mode. Pinnacle offers three- and four-channel systems for biopotential recording. Tethered solutions are available for both mice and rats.