品Pai | 武翔 | 型号 | WRn |
分度号 | k,e,t,j | 测量范围 | 0-800(℃) |
允差等级 | 1 | 热响应时间 | 5(s) |
联接型式 | 可动角型法兰 | | |
应用Application通常和显示仪表、记录仪表、电子计算机等配套使用。直接测量各种生产过程中的0℃~1300℃范围内液体、蒸汽和气体介质以及固体表面温度。It is usually connected with display meter,recording meter and computer,etc.to directly measure temperature of liquid,vapor,gas and solid surface ranging from 0℃to 1300℃during various production process.特点Features1、热响应时间少,减小动态误差; 2、可弯曲安装使用;3、测量范围大; 4、机械强度高,耐压性能好。1.With quick response,reducing dynamic error;2.Optional installation methods;3.Wide measuring range;4.High mechanical strength.good pressure-resistant performance.工作原理Operation Theory铠装热电偶的电极由两根不同导体材质组成。当测量端与参比端存在温差时,就会产生热电势,工作仪表便显示出热电势所对应的温度值。The electrodes of armored thermocuple are made of two different materials.The temperature difference between measuring edn and reference edn results in pyroelectric potential,then the meter indicates the corresponding temperature to the pyroelectic potential.敬请访问公司网站www.czwuxiang.com
型号 | 分度号 | 允差等级 |
Ⅰ | Ⅱ |
允差值 | 测温范围 | 允差值 | 测温范围 |
WRN | K | ±1.5℃ | -40~+375 | ±2.5℃ | -40~+333 |
±0.004|t| | 375~1000 | ±0.0075|t| | 333~1200 |
WRM | N | ±1.5℃ | -40~+375 | ±2.5℃ | -40~+333 |
±0.004|t| | 375~1000 | ±0.0075|t| | 333~1200 |
WRE | E | ±1.5℃ | -40~+375 | ±1.5℃ | -40~+333 |
±0.004|t| | 375~800 | ±0.004|t| | 333~900 |
WRF | J | ±1.5℃ | -40~+375 | ±1.5℃ | -40~+333 |
±0.004|t| | 375~750 | ±0.004|t| | 333~750 |
WRC | T | ±1.5℃ | -40~+125 | ±1℃ | -40~+133 |
±0.004|t| | 125~350 | ±0.0075|t| | 133~350 |