
LQ-500 foam falling ball resilience tester manufacturers
一 主要适用范围及功能
I. scope of application and function
海绵泡沫落球回弹测试仪按照GB/T6670-2008、ISO8307及ASTM D3574-03(H)设计制造,适用于测定软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的落球式回弹性能。本仪器通过给定直径和质量的钢球从规定高度上以自由落体落在泡沫塑料试样上,通过光电传感器测量钢球弹起又落下的时间,再由仪器内的微处理器计算钢球的回弹高度。按照ISO8307及ASTM D3574-03的试验方法,在每一块试样上取三个试样,并分别对每个试样测量3次回弹高度,选取其平均值作为该试样的回弹高度。海绵泡沫落球回弹测试仪将该回弹高度值与钢球下落高度相比,该比值的百分率就是该泡沫塑料的回弹率,而回弹率则表示泡沫塑料的回弹性能。
This machine is designed and manufactured according to GB/T6670-2008, ISO8307 and ASTM D3574-03 (H). It is suitable for measuring the rebound resilience of soft polyurethane foam. The instrument through the ball given diameter and quality from a specified height in a free fall drop in foam specimen, through the photoelectric sensor to measure the ball up and down time, and then by the instrument microprocessor to calculate the ball rebound height. In accordance with the test methods of ISO8307 and ASTM D3574-03, three specimens were taken from each specimen, and the rebound heights of 3 times were measured for each sample. The average value was chosen as the rebound height of the sample. Comparing the rebound height value with the drop height of the steel ball, the percentage of the ratio is the rebound rate of the foam, while the rebound rate indicates the rebound performance of the foam.
二 主要技术参数及精度
Two main technical parameters and accuracy
1钢球落下距离: 460+0.5%mm /500+0.5%mm(两种高度都可实现)
1, steel ball falling distance: 460+0.5%mm /500+0.5%mm (two height can be achieved)
2钢球直径: ¢16-0.05 mm
2 ball diameter: mm of 16-0.05
3 drop rebound rate accuracy: <1.5%
4被测试样尺寸: 100 mm X 100 mm X 50mm
4 tested sample size: 100 mm X 100 mm X 50mm
三 主要配置
Three main configuration
1 主机一台
1 host one
2 set of steel ball release mechanism
3, a high degree of adjustment mechanism
4 photoelectric ranging sensor one
5电气控制箱一个 (中文语音提示操作)
5 electric control box one (Chinese voice prompt operation)
6 中文彩色触摸屏一块
6 Chinese color touch screen
7 U盘输出口一个(输出试验数据)
7 U output port one (output test data)
8 打印机一台
8 printer one
9 电源线一套
9 power cord set
10 钢球两个
10 steel balls two
11 random files
四 体 积:长×宽×高 300×300×800
Four volume: * * width * height * 300 * 300 * 800
五 重 量:30KG
Five weight: 30KG