SABC(小鼠IgG)-FITC-POD双标 kit |
SABC(小鼠IgG)-FITC-POD双标 kit,高纯度试剂,优惠供应。本试剂纯度高,品质好,尤其适合学校、科研单位进行实验。 信帆生物拥有一支在试剂研发、生产及质量管理方面具有丰富经验的高素质人才队伍。环境优美、整洁,从细胞培养、蛋白纯化、疫苗配制到小容量注射剂、分装及锅炉、空调、制水全套生产线。检验仪器均采用国内外先进设备。先进的厂房设施、精良的仪器设备,从而确保了产品的质量和检测的快速、准确、方便,在同行业中一直名列前茅。 |
产品名称: | SABC(小鼠IgG)-FITC-POD双标 kit |
其他名称: | |
规格: | 多种规格 |
用途: | 生物,化学,医学等方面 |
详细需求欢迎来电或者QQ咨询!! |
在实验中使用试剂需要注意: 1.使用时要做到"三不Principle":NO用手接触药品;NO把鼻孔凑到容器口直接去闻气味,just用手在瓶口轻轻煽动,仅使少量气味进入鼻孔。NO品尝试剂。 2.注意节约使用。如果没有说明使用量,一般取少量。液体取用1-2ml,固体只需盖满试管底部BOTTOM。 3.在所有实验完毕后,剩余试剂要做到"三不一要",即 一不放回原瓶,二不随意丢弃,三不拿出实验室。一要,要放入指定容器内。 |
SABC(小鼠IgG)-FITC-POD双标 kit |
Chemical reagents are often spoiled by improper storage in storage. Some easy moisture absorption and deliquescence or hydrolysis reagent; some easily with oxygen in the air, carbon dioxide or other gases in the diffusion reaction, and some reagents affected by light and temperature will deteriorate. Therefore, according to the different properties of reagents, appropriate measures should be taken to properly preserve them. |
Normal solution for a liter of water solution in a solution containing one gram equivalent solute, refers to the concentration of 1N solution. The indicator indicator (Indicator) is affected by the existence of certain substances to change their color material. Mainly used for indicating the end point drop in volumetric analysis. In general can be divided into acid the indicator, redox indicator, indicator indicator. In addition to adsorption analysis, can also be used to test the gas or solution of some harmful toxic substances. |
SABC(小鼠IgG)-FITC-POD双标 kit |
相关类试剂盒产品: |
5-氟乳清酸 |
CM-琼脂糖凝胶 CL-6B |
羊抗人IgA(u链特异) |
荚膜染色液(试剂盒) |
28-高芸苔素内酯 |
黄原胶 |
生物素化羊抗兔IgG |
克拉霉素 |
Masson三色染色试剂盒 |
蛋黄粉 |
总RNA提取试剂盒 |
硼酸 |
阿特拉津 |
胰蛋白酶1:250 |
麦芽酚 |
SOD 超氧化物岐化酶(来源牛红细胞) |
液相RNase清除剂 |
氯化钠-蛋白胨缓冲液 PH7.0 |
SABC(山羊IgG)-POD kit |
羊抗人C4血清 |
丽春红S |
One Step RT-PCR Kit |
羊抗大鼠IgG |
考马斯亮蓝R250 |
N,N-二环己基碳二亚胺(DCC) |
羊抗BSA(纯化) |
矿物油(液体石蜡) |
聚乙二醇 4000 |
L-丙氨酰-L-谷氨酰胺 |
溴甲酚绿-甲基红指示剂溶液 |
聚酰胺10-30目 |
L-乳酸脱氢酶 |
盐酸二甲双胍 |
抗体稀释液(普通型) |
onPG 邻硝基苯-β-D-吡喃半乳糖苷 |
羊抗人C3C血清 |
硫酸链霉素 |
鲑鱼精DNA |
DiO-LDL DiO标记低密度脂蛋白 |
兔抗豚鼠IgG-RBITC |
煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤 |