SYBR Green II(10000×) |
SYBR Green II(10000×)选择品质好,质量稳定的,就选择信帆生物。 信帆生物以完善的管理制度、完备的设备设施、完整的经营体系及高素质的人才队伍构成了公司的四大基石。多年来,公司致力于新技术、新产品的开发推广,以技术为核心,质量为基础的经营理念;按照ISO9001,2000标准来规范每一环节,建立一套从原料进厂、工序流程、质量控制、产品销售、售后服务直至产品追溯的规范化管理控制体系,以确保公司推出的产品对广大客户的质量承诺。 |
产品名称: | SYBR Green II(10000×) |
其他名称: | |
规格: | 多种规格 |
用途: | 生物,化学,医学等方面 |
详细需求欢迎来电或者QQ咨询!! |
在实验中使用试剂需要注意: 1.使用时要做到"三不Principle":NO用手接触药品;NO把鼻孔凑到容器口直接去闻气味,just用手在瓶口轻轻煽动,仅使少量气味进入鼻孔。NO品尝试剂。 2.注意节约使用。如果没有说明使用量,一般取少量。液体取用1-2ml,固体只需盖满试管底部BOTTOM。 3.在所有实验完毕后,剩余试剂要做到"三不一要",即 一不放回原瓶,二不随意丢弃,三不拿出实验室。一要,要放入指定容器内。 |
SYBR Green II(10000×) |
MSDS, international known as chemical safety information card, is the physical and chemical properties of the chemical manufacturers and distributors must provide according to the legal requirements of the chemicals (such as pH, flash, flammable, toxic, reactive etc.), environmental hazards, and health of users (such as carcinogenic, teratogenic) may produce a comprehensive document. It includes the harm of hazardous chemicals Flammable, explosive properties, toxicity and environmental hazards, and safety, emergency handling, the main physical and chemical parameters, the comprehensive laws and regulations on the information. |
Chemical reagents are often spoiled by improper storage in storage. Some easy moisture absorption and deliquescence or hydrolysis reagent; some easily with oxygen in the air, carbon dioxide or other gases in the diffusion reaction, and some reagents affected by light and temperature will deteriorate. Therefore, according to the different properties of reagents, appropriate measures should be taken to properly preserve them. |
SYBR Green II(10000×) |
相关类试剂盒产品: |
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D-海藻糖 |
吲哚β-D-葡萄糖苷 |
罗丹明 B |
苏木色精 |
XAD7HP吸附树脂 |
沙氏琼脂培养基 |
伊曲康唑 |
兔IgG干粉 |
佛波酯 |
50×Denhardts 溶液 |
生物素化兔抗鸡IgG |
改良马丁培养基 |
5-腺嘌呤核苷酸 |
十二水合磷酸氢二钠 |
冻干抗人B因子血清 |
2×HEPES(pH7.2-7.4) |
琼脂糖凝胶4B |
醋酸洗必泰(醋酸氯己定) |
总RNA提取试剂盒 |
葡聚糖凝胶LH-20 |
布洛芬 |
质粒提取试剂盒 |
10×DNA Loading Buffer |
茜素红S染色液(0.2%) |
茶皂素 |
中性红染色液(0.33% 过滤CJ,活细胞染色) |
葡聚糖凝胶G-150 |
藏红T(碱性红 2) |
重组牛肠激酶 |
普通RIPA组织-细胞裂解液 |
大豆蛋白胨 |
1M Hepes(pH7.2-7.4) |
人白蛋白-FITC |
麦芽糖醇 |
X-gal 5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚-β-D-半乳糖苷 |
胰蛋白酶-EDTA消化液(0.25%) 不含酚红 |
鸟苷-5-单磷酸二钠 |
氨茶碱 |
孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG) |
葡聚糖凝胶G-50 |