冻干抗人Alb血清 |
冻干抗人Alb血清各种纯度,各种规格,优惠促销。种类齐全,质量保证。 上海信帆生物自成立以来,坚持以“科技立业,诚信为本,质量赢客户”,秉承“高目标、高科技、高品质、GX益”的发展宗旨。为广大科研用户提供优质的化学试剂。我们的产品远销国内外,具有实验的用途。我们致力为需求人群研发生产出更多更好的化工产品。 |
产品名称: | 冻干抗人Alb血清 |
其他名称: | |
规格: | 多种规格 |
用途: | 生物,化学,医学等方面 |
详细需求欢迎来电或者QQ咨询!! |
在实验中使用试剂需要注意: 1.使用时要做到"三不Principle":NO用手接触药品;NO把鼻孔凑到容器口直接去闻气味,just用手在瓶口轻轻煽动,仅使少量气味进入鼻孔。NO品尝试剂。 2.注意节约使用。如果没有说明使用量,一般取少量。液体取用1-2ml,固体只需盖满试管底部BOTTOM。 3.在所有实验完毕后,剩余试剂要做到"三不一要",即 一不放回原瓶,二不随意丢弃,三不拿出实验室。一要,要放入指定容器内。 |
冻干抗人Alb血清 |
Primary standards is of high purity, less impurity, good stability, chemical composition constant. Capacity analysis, the reference reagent in determination of pH in determination of calorific value, and so on. Have the first reference and classification standard of each classification. Where the first reference must be made by the National Institute of metrology verification. The production units used as the first reference standard benchmark products. At present, reference reagent business mainly refers to the capacity analysis in capacity analysis of benchmark [content range 99.95%~100.05% (gravimetric titration). Generally used to calibrate the titrant. |
Antibiotics (Antibiotic), also known as antibiotics, is a variety of organisms (plant, animal and microorganism, especially soil microbial metabolic activities) products, is also capable of selectively inhibiting the microorganisms in low concentration, virus and properties of tissue cells. The antibiotic has grown to more than 2000, but the actual application not much. The chemical structure of different antibiotics, character, according to their chemical structure can be divided into 32 categories, such as nucleosides, peptides, proteins, macrolide, polyene macrolides etc. |
冻干抗人Alb血清 |
相关类试剂盒产品: |
RBITC 荧光标记抗体 |
丁香酸 |
蛋白酶 K溶液(10mg/ml) |
藏红花酸 |
重组牛肠激酶 |
超级新生牛血清(无噬菌体低内毒素) |
靛基质试剂 |
辅羧酶(TPP) |
潮霉素B |
玉米粉琼脂 |
鸟苷-5-单磷酸二钠 |
TMB单组份显色液 |
羊抗人白蛋白-HRP |
磷酸氯喹 |
PCR纯化试剂盒 |
羊抗BSA(免疫血清) |
抗坏血酸 (Vitamin C) |
L-甘露糖 |
溴甲酚绿 |
羊抗人白蛋白(纯化) |
磷钨酸 |
pH值标准液(PH4.01) |
羊抗马IgG-RBITC |
枯草杆菌(Bacillus subtilis蛋白酶) |
MTT细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒 |
盐酸异丙肾上腺素 |
考马斯亮蓝R250 |
N-2 Supplement (100×) |
羊抗鸡IgG-FITC |
丽春红S |
胶原蛋白(来源于鱼皮) |
HE染色试剂盒 |
腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖 |
焦油紫 |
JM109受体菌 |
亚胺培南 |
抗人a1AT血清 |
N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺磺酸钠盐 |
羊抗人C4血清 |
卵清蛋白 |
干酪素 |