冻干羊抗人C4血清 |
冻干羊抗人C4血清,高纯度试剂,优惠供应。本试剂纯度高,品质好,尤其适合学校、科研单位进行实验。 信帆生物拥有一支在试剂研发、生产及质量管理方面具有丰富经验的高素质人才队伍。环境优美、整洁,从细胞培养、蛋白纯化、疫苗配制到小容量注射剂、分装及锅炉、空调、制水全套生产线。检验仪器均采用国内外先进设备。先进的厂房设施、精良的仪器设备,从而确保了产品的质量和检测的快速、准确、方便,在同行业中一直名列前茅。 |
产品名称: | 冻干羊抗人C4血清 |
其他名称: | |
规格: | 多种规格 |
用途: | 生物,化学,医学等方面 |
详细需求欢迎来电或者QQ咨询!! |
在化学实验室里,储存摆放着各种各样的化学药品,进行着各种化学试验。在试验过程中要接触一些易燃、易爆、有毒、有害、有腐蚀性药品,且经常使用水、气、火、电等,潜藏着诸如爆炸、着火、中毒、灼伤、割伤、触电等危险性事故,这些事故的发生常会给我们带来严重的人身伤害和财产损失。如果我们掌握相关的实验室安全知识以及事故发生时的应急处理知识,就能够正确、安全地使用化学药品及实验器械,从而可以尽可能的减少和避免实验室里安全事故的发生,即使在发生紧急事故时,也能够不慌不乱,把伤害和损失减少到少程度。 |
冻干羊抗人C4血清 |
Primary standards is of high purity, less impurity, good stability, chemical composition constant. Capacity analysis, the reference reagent in determination of pH in determination of calorific value, and so on. Have the first reference and classification standard of each classification. Where the first reference must be made by the National Institute of metrology verification. The production units used as the first reference standard benchmark products. At present, reference reagent business mainly refers to the capacity analysis in capacity analysis of benchmark [content range 99.95%~100.05% (gravimetric titration). Generally used to calibrate the titrant. |
Antibiotics (Antibiotic), also known as antibiotics, is a variety of organisms (plant, animal and microorganism, especially soil microbial metabolic activities) products, is also capable of selectively inhibiting the microorganisms in low concentration, virus and properties of tissue cells. The antibiotic has grown to more than 2000, but the actual application not much. The chemical structure of different antibiotics, character, according to their chemical structure can be divided into 32 categories, such as nucleosides, peptides, proteins, macrolide, polyene macrolides etc. |
冻干羊抗人C4血清 |
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尿苷-5-三磷酸三钠 |
5-溴-2-脱氧尿苷 |
吡啰红G 派洛宁G (Y) |
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氨苄青霉素 |
胰蛋白胨 |
氯化血红素 |
S.S琼脂 |
羊抗人C3(纯化) |
克拉霉素 |
Menadione 维生素K3 |
亚精胺盐酸盐 精脒 |
结晶紫染色液(1%) |
IPTG 异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷 |
SABC(山羊IgG)-FITC kit |
羊抗人C3血清 |
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肌氨酸氧化酶 |
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维生素B6 |
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D-酒石酸 |
无菌脱纤维牛血 |
甲基-β-环糊精 |
Hoechst 33342 染色液(1mg/ml) |
熊果酸 |
卡那霉素(100mg/ml) |
氟苯尼考 |
a-淀粉酶(高温淀粉酶) |
兔IgG干粉 |
狗血清 |