矿物油(液体石蜡) |
信帆生物具有高水平科研实验室、满足国内科研市场的要求。公司联合国内科研机构进行技术的工业化实践,走出一条科研生产一体化的技术开发道路。公司遵循“以人为根本,项目为核心,市场为导向,创新为手段,现代技术为保障,创造价值为目的”的经营理念,在科研领域实现创新和发展。 |
产品名称: | 矿物油(液体石蜡) |
其他名称: | |
规格: | 多种规格 |
用途: | 生物,化学,医学等方面 |
详细需求欢迎来电或者QQ咨询!! |
在实验中使用试剂需要注意: 1.使用时要做到"三不Principle":NO用手接触药品;NO把鼻孔凑到容器口直接去闻气味,just用手在瓶口轻轻煽动,仅使少量气味进入鼻孔。NO品尝试剂。 2.注意节约使用。如果没有说明使用量,一般取少量。液体取用1-2ml,固体只需盖满试管底部BOTTOM。 3.在所有实验完毕后,剩余试剂要做到"三不一要",即 一不放回原瓶,二不随意丢弃,三不拿出实验室。一要,要放入指定容器内。 |
矿物油(液体石蜡) |
The old name for enzymes. With special catalytic ability of the protein. It consists of organisms (animal, plant, microorganism), or enzyme as a biological catalyst. It continues to promote a large number of complex chemical reactions in living organisms. Such as amylase starch and glycogen hydrolysis catalyst into dextrin and maltose; enzymatic protein hydrolysis peptide; lipase catalyzed hydrolysis of fats into fatty acids and glycerol. |
Normal solution for a liter of water solution in a solution containing one gram equivalent solute, refers to the concentration of 1N solution. The indicator indicator (Indicator) is affected by the existence of certain substances to change their color material. Mainly used for indicating the end point drop in volumetric analysis. In general can be divided into acid the indicator, redox indicator, indicator indicator. In addition to adsorption analysis, can also be used to test the gas or solution of some harmful toxic substances. |
矿物油(液体石蜡) |
相关类试剂盒产品: |
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维生素E (+)-α-Tocopherol |
卡托普利 |
优级胎牛血清(无噬菌体低内毒素) |
Medium 199 |
2×RNA Loading Buffer(变性) |
青蒿素 |
泊洛沙姆188 |
柚皮苷 |
尿苷-5-二磷酸 |
α-环糊精 |
羊血浆 |
氯化乙酰胆碱 |
染色液(VG染色液,含苏木素) |
大豆酪蛋白琼脂 |
重组牛肠激酶 |
嘌呤霉素 |
苯基-琼脂糖凝胶 CL-4B |
印度墨水 |
尿酸酶 |
XAD7HP吸附树脂 |
羊抗猪IgG-FITC |
氯化血红素 |
SOC液体培养基(干粉) |
羊抗人白蛋白-RBITC |
卵清蛋白 |
Silwet L-77 表面活性剂 |
羊抗兔IgG-FITC |
马铃薯浸出粉 |
UNG酶(温度敏感型) |
胰蛋白酶-EDTA消化液(0.25%) 含酚红 |
盐酸环丙沙星 |
抗人a1AG血清 |
N,N-二环己基碳二亚胺(DCC) |
羊抗鸡IgG-HRP |
利奈唑酮 |
RNase A (牛胰) |
羊抗人全血清 |
麦芽汤培养基 |