显微镜细胞动态观察舱,显微镜观察仓,显微镜细胞仓:细胞动态观察舱用于控制显微镜观察台的温度、湿度、气体浓度保持恒定的状态,以进行长时间动态细胞观察。 我们为各种品Pai的显微镜定制专业的细胞观察舱。更多型号请来电咨询。 H301-MINI细胞动态观察舱 Stage compatibility: H301-MINI has the footprint of a Multi Well Plate Fits in any stage equipped with MW holder The chamber can fit: 35/60 mm Petri 1x3 in. / 1x2 in. chambered slides Features: Magnets allow easy interchange chamber inserts Perfusion holes: 12 channels for 2.5mm O.D. tubings are available
H101-MINI细胞动态观察舱 Stage compatibility: fits in any holder for MW plate and in Physik Instrumente PI P-737 H101-MINI has the footprint of a Multi Well Plate Fits in any stage equipped with MW holder Fits in Physik Instrumente P-737 The chamber can fit: 35/60 mm Petri 1x3 in. / 1x2 in. chambered slides Features: Magnets allow easy interchange chamber inserts Perfusion holes: 12 channels for 2.5mm O.D. tubings are available
H101-1x35-M single
#1 35mm Petri-dish
#1 1x3in. chamberslide
#1 Lab-Tek 1x2 in. chambered cover glass
#1 Lab-Tek II 1x2 in. chambered cover glass
#1 60mm Petri-dish
H101-LG Stage compatibility: fits in the Super Z galvo stage (SP5/SP8), by replacing the Leica specimen holder Features:The chamber hosts #1 35mm Petri Dish Chamber uniformly heated by means water circulation in water tight channels present in the main body and in the lid. Total weight on galvo stage: 131 g Perfusion holes: 4 channels for 2.0 mm O.D. tubings are available for perfusion