Tissue:Peripheral Blood
Purity:>90% by flow cytometry
Disease State:Healthy
Size:10 x 106 cells
Storage Media:CD19+ B cells are cryopreserved in CryoStor® CS10 media.
Storage Conditions:Either prepare cells for long term storage in Liquid Nitrogen vapor phase or thaw for use. Storage in liquid phase nitrogen is NOT recommended. Short term storage of cells (less than 2 weeks) at -80°C is acceptable, but should be minimized to enusre maximum stability. Once thawed, samples must be used immediately.
Testing:CD19+ B cells are negative for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV 1/2, HTLV-I/II, HIV-1/HCV/HBV Nucleic Acid, WNV Nucleic Acid, Trypanasoma cruzi and Syphilis.
Disclaimer:HemaCare products are intended for research use only and not for direct therapeutic or diagnostic use in human or animals, or for further manufacturing of therapeutic products or devices.