The mid-term ultrasound exam is used to estimate gestational
age and to diagnose fetal malformation. Students gain
competency with hands-on practice. Unfortunately, access
to patients can be limited. The CIRS Model 068 Fetal Ultrasound
Biometrics Phantom facilitates teaching and demonstration
of fetal ultrasound techniques in a non-stressful
A tissue equivalent full fetal model is suspended in a nonechoic,
amniotic fluid-like environment. The model is housed
in a rotatable cylinder with 2 fields of view. A variety of fetal/
transducer orientations can be achieved.
The Model 068 contains an asymmetric head with upper portion
of the skull, right and left brain lobes and lateral and third
ventricles. These anatomical references are used to measure
the biparietal diameter (BPD) and anterior/posterior diameter
(APD). Right and left femoral shafts with distal epiphysis are
provided for femur length (FL) measurements. An umbilical
marker indicates proper position for taking abdominal
circumference (AC). Crown-Rump length (CRL) can also be
taken. In addition, the model has full facial details making
it suitable for demonstrating multideminsional systems and
assessment of fetal anomalies.
All anatomies are based on published biometric data for normal
fetal growth rates for a gestational age of 21 weeks. This
enables assessment of composite measurement techniques
and biometric analysis programs common to most ultrasound