品Pai | 其他品Pai | 型号 | TA218C/D |
测量范围 | 温度范围:0℃~50℃ 湿度范围:10%RH~95%RH.(℃) | | |
TA218 C/D 温湿度计说明书温度范围:0℃~50℃ 32℉~122℉ 分辩率:0.1℃ 准确度:±1℃湿度范围:10%RH~95%RH. 准确度:60% ±5%RH摄氏华氏转换: ℃/℉MAX/MIN键:显示记忆Z高/Z低温湿度或清除Z高/Z低温湿度记录.在正常状态下按MAX/MIN键切换显示Z大→Z小→当前温湿度。在MAX或MIN状态下,无按键8秒后自动返回当前温湿度显示。Z高/Z低温湿度记录的清除:在MAX或MIN状态下,按住MAX/MIN键2秒清除所显示Z高/Z低温湿度,返回当前温湿度显示。RESET键:清除复位.机子背后有一扣位及撑板,可以挂在墙壁或摆在平面。产品使用一枚(1.5V) AAA电池.字体显示模糊,请更换电池,并注重环保.*C型附带1.5米温湿度传感线.TA218 C/D thermometer ~ Hygrometer ManualTemperature range: 0℃ ~ 50℃ 32℉ ~ 122℉ Resolution: 0.1℃ Accuracy: ± 1℃Humidity Range: 10% RH ~ 95% RH. Accuracy: 60% ± 5% RHCelsius Fahrenheit Conversion: ℃ / ℉MAX / MIN button: Displays the maximum / minimum temperature or remove humidity, the maximum / minimum temperature humidity records.In the normal state, according to MAX / MIN key to switch showed the largest →minimum→ value of the current temperature and humidity. In the MAX or MIN displays status, no buttons automatically after 8 seconds to return the current temperature and humidity display. The maximum / minimum temperature recorded humidity removal, in the MAX or MIN of the state, hold down the MAX / MIN button 2 seconds clear of the show the highest / most low humidity, and return the current temperature and humidity display.RESET button: clear reset.Fix the unit on a wall or palce on desktop.Product use one (1.5V) AAA batteries. Font fuzzy, please replace the battery, andPattention to environmental protection.*C model with 1.5-meter temperature and humidity sensing line.