公司销售3,4,5-三咖啡酰奎宁酸使用说明书中药标准品,还同时销售CP(中检所产品指定代理商)英国实验室LGC 医药杂质标准品、 加拿大TRC标准品 、EP(欧洲药典) 、USP(美国药典)、BP(英国药典) 、(WHO)世界卫生组织药物标准品 、NIST 、 美国Accustandard标准品,美国ChemService标准品等各种产品。种类齐全,到货迅速。更多详细信息欢迎您来电咨询!
产品中文名称: 3,4,5-三咖啡酰奎宁酸使用说明书
英文名: 3,4,5-Tricaffeoylquinic acid
英文别名: (1alpha,3R,4alpha,5R)-3,4,5-Tris[[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl]oxy]-1-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid
CAS登录号: 86632-03-3
分子式: C34H30O15
分子量: 678.59
外观: 黑色无定型粉末
规格: 20 mg/支
纯度: ≥ 98%
用途: 用于含量测定/鉴定/药理实验等
提取来源: 桔梗科党参属植物脉花党参[C odonop sis nervosa ( Chipp) N annf]
溶解性: 可溶于热甲醇、DMSO等溶剂。
药理药效: XY散肿、抗氧化。
贮存条件: 4℃冷藏、密封、避光
有效期: 2年
产品名称 | 3,4,5-三咖啡酰奎宁酸使用说明书
英文名称 | 3,4,5-Tricaffeoylquinic acid
包装 | 可根据客户要求订制 |
3,4,5-三咖啡酰奎宁酸使用说明书不能直接用于人体,出库的产品全部经过严格的检测,保证质量。标准品/对照品一般用于鉴别、检查和含量 (或效价)测定。对于鉴别来说,只要确认未混淆标准物质 即可,而检查和含量测定则不同,大部分检查项目和含量测定项目均有明确的标准。这就要求在进行检验时要控制实验误差,在进行标准物质称量时未严格按照药典等标准要求进行。
proteolytic activity against insulin and plasmin.
Short peptide from AAT (SPAAT) is a reversible chymotrypsin inhibitor. It also inhibits elastase, but not trypsin. Its major physiological function is the protection of the lower respiratory tract against proteolytic destruction by human leukocyte elastase (HLE).
Subcellular Location : Secreted.
Short peptide from AAT: Secreted, extracellular space, extracellular matrix.
Tissue Specificity : Plasma.
nal modifications : N-glycosylated. Differential glycosylation produces a number of isoforms. N-l
inked glycan at Asn-107 is alternatively di-antennary, tri-antennary or tetra-antennary. The glycan at Asn-70 is di-antennary with trace amounts of tri-antennary. Glycan at Asn-271 is exclusively di-antennary. Structure of glycans at Asn-70 and Asn-271 is Hex5HexNAc4. The structure of the antennae is Neuc(alpha1-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc attached to the core structure Man(alpha1-6)[Man(alpha1-3)]Man(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-4)GlcNAc. Some antennae are fucosylated, which forms a Lewis-X determinant.
Proteolytic processing may yield the truncated form that ranges from Asp-30 to Lys-418.
DISEASE : Defects in SERPINA1 are the cause of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (A1ATD) [MIM:613490]. A disorder whose most common manifestation is emphysema, which becomes evident by the third to fourth decade. A less common manifestation of the deficiency is liver disease, which occurs in children and adults, and may result in cirrhosis and liver failure. Enviro
nmental factors, particularly cigarette smoking, greatly increase the risk of emphysema at an earlier age.
Similarity : Belo
ngs to the serpin family.
se l
inks : UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: P01009
异橙黄酮;Isosinensetin;3 CAS: 规格: 20mg
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氧化前胡素;Oxypeucedanin CAS: 737-52-0 规格: 20mg
淫羊藿次苷I;Icarisid I CAS: 56725-99-6 规格: 20mg
叶黄素;Xanthophyll CAS: 127-40-2 规格: 20mg
愈创木酚;Guaiacol CAS: 1990/5/1 规格: 20mg
异丁香酚;Isoeugenol CAS: 97-54-1 规格: 20mg
L-异亮氨酸;L-Isoleucine CAS: 73-32-5 规格: 20mg
银杏内酯J;Ginkgolide J CAS: 107438-79-9 规格: 20mg
氧化石蒜碱;Lycobetaine CAS: 72510-04-4 规格: 20mg
盐酸白屈菜红碱;Chelerythrin CAS: 3895-92-9 规格: 20mg
3,4,5-三咖啡酰奎宁酸使用说明书银杏酚酸;Ginkgolic acids CAS: 规格: 20mg
野菊花内酯;Yejunualactone CAS: 62687-22-3 规格: 10mg
2-O-乙酰山椒子烯酮; CAS: 规格: 10mg
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