产品中文名称: 表木栓醇 16844-71-6使用说明书
中文别名: 表无羁萜醇,表木栓醇
英文名: Epifriedelanol
英文别名: Friedelin-3β-ol
CAS登录号: 16844-71-6
分子式: C30H52O
分子量: 428.73

外观: 白色针状结晶
规格: 20 mg/支
纯度: ≥ 98%
用途: 用于含量测定/鉴定/药理实验等。
提取来源: 卫矛科植物卫矛(Euonymus alatus (Thunb. )Sieb. ]的叶
溶解性: 可溶于石油醚、***、乙酸乙酯等有机溶剂,不溶于水。
熔点: 286~288℃
旋光度: +14.5°(***)
药理药效: 具润肺下气、 消痰ZK
贮存条件: 4℃冷藏、密封、避光
有效期: 2年
产品名称 | 表木栓醇 16844-71-6使用说明书
英文名称 | Epifriedelanol
包装 | 可根据客户要求订制 |
表木栓醇 16844-71-6使用说明书注意事项:书纯度高,检测/鉴别精确,稳定性强,为了防止产品含量降低,不宜暴露在空气中,应防潮、避光和抗氧化包装,保存应以提高物质稳定性为原则,尽可能在干燥、低温条件下储藏(液体或易潮解物质分装在熔封的玻璃安瓶内)。
表木栓醇 16844-71-6使用说明书不能直接用于人体,出库的产品全部经过严格的检测,保证质量。标准品/对照品一般用于鉴别、检查和含量 (或效价)测定。对于鉴别来说,只要确认未混淆标准物质 即可,而检查和含量测定则不同,大部分检查项目和含量测定项目均有明确的标准。这就要求在进行检验时要控制实验误差,在进行标准物质称量时未严格按照药典等标准要求进行。
dand TPK II-mediated phosphorylation. Interaction with overexpressed HADH2 leads to oxidative stress and neurotoxicity.
Appicans elicit adhesion of neural cells to the extracellular matrix and may regulate neurite outgrowth in the brai.
The gamma-CTF peptides as well as the caspase-cleaved peptides, including C31, are potent enhancers of neuronal apoptosis.
N-APP binds TNFRSF21 triggering caspase activation and degeneration of both neuronal cell bodies (via caspase-3) and axons (via caspase-6).
Subunit : Binds, via its C-terminus, to the PID domain of several cytoplasmic proteins, including APBB family members, the APBA family, MAPK8IP1, SHC1 and, NUMB and DAB. Binding to DAB1 inhibits its serine phosphorylation (By similarity). Also interacts with GPCR-like protein BPP, FPRL1, APPBP1, IB1, KNS2 (via its TPR domains), APPBP2 (via BaSS) and DDB1. In vitro, it binds MAPT via the MT-binding domains. Associates with microtubules in the presence of ATP and in a kinesin-dependent manner. Interacts, through a C-terminal domain, with GNAO1. Amyloid beta-42 binds CHRNA7 in hippocampal neurons. Beta-amyloid associates with HADH2. Soluble APP binds, via its N-terminal head, to FBLN1. Interacts with CPEB1 and AGER. Interacts with ANKS1B and TNFRSF21. Interacts with ITM2B. Interacts with ITM2C. Interacts with IDE. Can form homodimers; this is promoted by heparin binding.
Subcellular Location : Membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Membrane, clathrin-coated pit. Note=Cell surface protein that rapidly becomes internalized via clathrin-coated pits. During maturation, the immature APP (N-glycosylated in the endoplasmic reticulum) moves to the Golgi complex where complete maturation occurs (O-glycosylated and sulfated). After alpha-secretase cleavage, soluble APP is released into the extracellular space and the C-terminal is internalized to endosomes and lysosomes. Some APP accumulates in secretory transport vesicles leaving the late Golgi compartment and returns to the cell surface. Gamma-CTF(59) peptide is located to both the cytoplasm and nuclei of neurons. It can be translocated to the nucleus through association with APBB1 (Fe65). Beta-APP42 associates with FRPL1 at the cell surface and the complex is then rapidly internalized. APP sorts to the basolateral surface in epithelial cells. During neuronal differentiation, the Thr-743 phosphorylated form is located mainly in growth cones, moderately in neurites and sparingly in the cell body. Casein kinase phosphorylation can occur either at the cell surface or within a post-Golgi compartment.
Tissue Specificity : Expressed in all fetal tissues examined with highest levels in brain, kidney, heart and spleen. Weak expression in liver. In adult brain, highest expression found in the frontal lobe of the cortex and in the anterior perisylvian cortex-opercular gyri. Moderate expression in the cerebellar cortex, the posterior perisylvian cortex-opercular gyri and the temporal associated cortex. Weak expression found in the
骨化三醇;Calcifediol CAS: 19356-17-3 规格: 10mg
甘草查尔酮B;Licochalcone CAS: 58749-23-8 规格: 20mg
格列苯脲;Glibenclamide CAS: 10238-21-8 规格: 20mg
富马酸 ; Fumaric acid CAS: 110-17-8 规格: 20mg
腐胺 ;1,4-Diaminobuta CAS: 110-60-1 规格: 20mg
泛酸钙;Calcium pantothe CAS: 137-08-6 规格: 100mg
3,6′-二芥子酰基蔗糖;3,′6-d CAS: 规格: 20mg
芳樟醇;Linalool CAS: 78-70-6 规格: 0.5ml
番泻苷元B;Sennidin B CAS: 517-44-2 规格: 20mg
番泻苷元A;Sennidin A CAS: 641-12-3 规格: 20mg
扶桑甾醇;beta-rosasterol CAS: 规格: 10mg
佛手柑内酯;Bergapten CAS: 484-20-8 规格: 20mg
表木栓醇 16844-71-6使用说明书防己诺林碱;Fangchinoline CAS: 436-77-1 规格: 20mg
茯苓酸;Pachymic acid CAS: 29070-92-6 规格: 5mg
反式茴香脑;trans-Anethole CAS: 104-46-1 规格: 0.1ml
番泻苷B;Sennoside B CAS: 128-57-4 规格: 20m
表木栓醇 16844-71-6使用说明书中药标准品,还同时销售CP(中检所产品指定代理商)英国实验室LGC 医药杂质标准品、 加拿大TRC标准品 、EP(欧洲药典) 、USP(美国药典)、BP(英国药典) 、(WHO)世界卫生组织药物标准品 、NIST 、 美国Accustandard标准品,美国ChemService标准品等各种产品。种类齐全,到货迅速。更多详细信息欢迎您来电咨询!